5 Top Marketing Apps to Help Put You on the Map


As the well-known Czech-born novelist, playwright and poet Milan Kundera once said: “Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.” Innovations and advancements in the field of technology have also been used for improving existing marketing techniques and creating new ones in order to drive sales , especially in the past decade. We are talking about marketing apps and the extent to which marketers rely on them.

Over the years, the marketer’s role has evolved dramatically. One is constantly thinking about devising new campaigns and strategies that will attract more audience, while constantly facing competition. However, your voice needs to be heard because the future of your business is depending on it. This is where mobile marketing apps step into the game. Without further ado, these are some of the latest marketing apps that are considered a marketer’s best friend to increase sales.

5 Best Marketing Apps to Drive Sales

Best Marketing Apps to Drive Sales

1. Tint

Social media engagement and marketing is an extremely important element of the majority of modern marketing tactics. It helps business owners attract potential customers, drive sales and traffic, and increase revenue. Tint is an app that offers a less hectic way to consume social media. By using this tool, you can create social hubs, pull content from Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn onto your dashboard, and embed them as custom feeds into websites like Tumblr, Wix, or Word Press, on social pages, mobile apps, video walls and digital displays. It is a great way to publish all information about your brand from different social media platforms in one place.

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2. Buffer

For every successful business person, time is an important asset. You are busy and cannot take a break every hour, but need to keep your social media accounts updated with great and engaging content. This is where the Buffer app jumps in. It is a content distribution app that automates your social media posts and lets you schedule them to be published at ideal times. With a free account, Buffer allows you to manage one Facebook (profile or page), Twitter, and LinkedIn account with up to ten updates in your scheduler (buffer). For just $10 a month, you can have unlimited posts in your buffer, and manage up to 12 social media profiles. Buffer offers a variety of extensions and apps, which allow you to use it on different web browsers and platforms. The app is available for Android and iOS devices.

Read Also: How Social Media Marketing can Help Small Businesses

3. Quora

Quora is among the best digital marketing reference apps. It is another great platform for those looking for information from reliable sources. You can ask questions and get real answers from people with expertise, and there is an option to post blogs as well. The app (available for Android and iOS devices) invites users to help each other by contributing and sharing their own knowledge. Users engage with each other by thanking for responses and voting for answers. It is a vibrant space where people sincerely contribute their knowledge, which is a rare thing in the online discourse.

4. Yoobly

This marketing software is designed as a network marketing training tool. Yoobly offers a network marketing CRM, with which users can create a website and manage its landing pages, buy a domain, keep their contacts organized, and manage new leads. They offer great tutorials on everything related to modern marketing, from setting up social media accounts to improving sales performance. If you have no experience with online marketing, there is also a 6 month mentoring program where Yoobly experts will help you design your own campaigns and strategies, and implement them.

Check: 5 Useful Social Media Apps to Manage Business Online

5. Mention

Mention is there to help you keep track of what is being said about your brand by sending you alerts, showing your mentions every day. This social media analytics tool has an intuitively designed interface. Mention gives user all analytics data for every single alert, and presents it in an easy-to-read chart on a single page. It is quite easy to use and enables its users to quickly react to every mention of their brand in real time.

It seems that mobile apps come into our marketing conversations often these days. They are there to save us time, improve and aid our marketing tactics, help us reach wider audiences, drive sales, and provide important analytics data. It would be hard to imagine today’s business landscape without them, when we have become accustomed to doing our work from the cloud, having every single answer at our fingertips, and communicating with people across the globe in real time. Whichever app you choose, make sure you fully use all of its helpful features to increase sales.

So, what are your favorite marketing apps?