Top 10 inspirational business personalities


Business acumen is something not to acquire doing courses. It has to be within you and when supported by dedication and hard work, can generate inspirational stories as the following. We have chosen to share the gradual development of 10 inspirational business personalities in the world who are a source of inspiration for many upcoming young entrepreneurs.

These people in business have started without any support. They had only their self-confidence, dedication, honesty and risk taking ability to invest in the business. These people in business have achieved success and some of them are billionaires today. But that’s not all. What is most remarkable is that they have done something in their life that will inspire the upcoming generations for decades.

10 Inspirational Business Personalities

inspirational business personalities

1. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ story is the most inspirational for any new entrepreneur. The seed of Steve’s business journey was grounded in his father’s garage and after surviving various financial hardships, today, he is the Co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc.

2. Richard Branson

When a common man like any of us owns 400+ companies and each of them are billion dollars worth, he definitely has something in him to get inspiration from.

3. Paul Allen

Starting working as a normal software programmer for his personal computer, Paul Allen and Bill Gates made it to set up Microsoft, a $33,524.8 million company.

4. Jeff Bezos

He has given a new definition to online business with his company Amazon. Amazon model is followed by most of the e-commerce retailers today. 

5. Larry Page

Larry page is a business person with strong determination and self confidence. Even in face of much criticism regarding Google’s various activities, he has maintained his stand and result is not unknown to any of us.

6. Indra Nooyi

She is the person behind Pepsi Co.’s revival after much criticism regarding its ill health effects. She has taken the initiative to take the product to a healthier direction than before.

7. Tony Hsieh

The CEO of online shop knows to take risk in business. When he was 24, he sold his company to Microsoft to enter into other profitable ventures.

8. Charles Dunstone

He entered into the field of business by selling mobile phones from his own flat and now he owns Europe’s largest mobile phone company Carphone Warehouse. The company is valued at more than 1.7 billion pounds today.

9. Philip Green

Phillip Green is a successful business person who has even not completed his high school education. As a teenager, he started trading Jeans and later on took over Arcadia Group, a multinational in clothing industry.

10. Howard Schultz

He achieved his success with Starbucks after winning many challenges and financial hardships. Still he is interested not only in his own success but to support others to be successful.

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The life stories of these inspirational business personalities point to just a simple thing:  If you are not successful in your business or any aspect of your life, that is not because the situation is not favorable for you; rather, because you are not giving your 100% to become successful.