How To Optimize A WordPress Website Using SEO


Websites – Our very own Digital Stores

You might think today, that if you have a website for your business, you are all set for the digital world and customers and clients will be flowing in miraculously. Unfortunately, having a website is not enough. The real work starts after your website is ready.

Come to think of it, it is quite similar to our brick and mortar stores. After opening the store, you have to work towards bringing customers into your store. The same goes for your website.

After setting it up, the real struggle is to bring traffic to your website. By traffic we mean people, Because if your website is not visible to people, how do you expect people to enter?

How to Bring Traffic to Your Website?

Amazing Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Website

Now that you understand how important it is to bring traffic to your website, you probably want to ask us how? To answer this question, there are a lot of ways that people use to bring paid or unpaid traffic to your site.

For example, Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Pay per click advertisement,  Search engine marketing advertisement, Search Engine optimization technique, etc.

While many techniques require you to pay for the advertisements, Search Engine Optimization is a technique that is free and is aimed to bring organic traffic to your website.

So for example, if you have an SEO company, offer WordPress SEO Services, and you have a website for it, you can opt for bringing paid traffic to your website or you can try the organic free way of getting people to come to your site.

If you opted for the latter, we will guide you step by step on how to optimize your website using SEO techniques.

What is Search Engine Optimization Technique?

Before we tell you all the tips and tricks on how to optimize your WordPress site using SEO, you need to understand what SEO means? How does it happen? And what it is? Having a clearer picture will help you work efficiently and without getting confused in the process.

Search Engines use complex algorithms to bring their search results in sequence on their pages. Various factors decide the ranking of the sites based on website content, keywords, tags, website features and elements, and a lot of other factors. So to get on the first page of the Google search result page, you must make sure that the Google crawling bot gets to your website.

If the Google crawling bot is not able to find your site, your WordPress website will not be indexed and you will be nowhere near the first few pages of Google even. And this is a recipe for failure for your business. For a business to be successful, you need to get noticed by Google.

How Does WordPress Site Help you with SEO?

Now that you understand the importance of getting your website noticed and you understand the Search Engine Optimization technique, you will better be able to appreciate and recognize  WordPress website benefits.

WordPress comes with a few functions that help getting noticed by the crawling bots, thereby increasing the visibility of your website on the Google page.

WordPress website comes with the features that help those crawlers go through all elements of your website including individual pages, posts, categories, and collect information that helps your website ranking on the search engine page.

The next step is for you to follow the few tips and tricks we have mentioned below that you can use to optimize your WordPress site using the Search Engine Optimization technique.

10 Tips and Tricks to Optimize WordPress Website

How To Optimize A WordPress Website Using SEO

1. Use Plugins with your WordPress sites that will give you all the analytics you need on your content

There are a few plugins that work with WordPress websites that will give you a detailed report regarding your content which will help you with the right keyword placements, tagged images and also show you the rating of your site’s readable content. These plugins will also give you a preview of SERP’s.

2. Use Tags Categorically on your WordPress website

This will help you organize related posts. For example, we see categories on the website all the time. Like on a clothing store’s website we see it organized as Men clothes, Women’s clothes, Kids Clothes, etc.

All this organization helps your visitors easily find the products they are looking for. And the easier it is for your customers, the happier they are, the more they buy, and the more successful your business gets.

3. Use Images with Tags

Using images with tags will help Google find your images from certain keywords. So instead of using a file named ‘IMG000001804985’, you should probably use the tag ‘rainbow Icecream’. This will improve the visibility of your photo content when someone searches ‘rainbow’ on the Google page.

4. Use Different Content For Different Products

It is better you invest in the unique description for every product on your page, instead of using the same words.

So, don’t use a description like a bedsheet yellow 1, bedsheet yellow 2. Instead, maybe use tags like ‘Floral Bedsheet’ and ‘Rainforest Bedsheet’ etc.

5. Create Short, yet Effective Permalinks on your WordPress website

Short links are easily searched and visible so if you are posting a blog post with the title, “Five SEO company in Location + Location”, it’s better you use permalink as ’SEO-company-Your-Location’

6. Choose Quality Webhosting Partners

Do not invest in hosting partners whose websites are always down because this is just plain recipe for disaster of your business’s visibility. If the websites are down, you possibly cannot expect Google to find you.

7. Do not Stuff Keywords on Your site

Overstuffing won’t help you. It will only compromise the quality of your site’s content. Do not add content or tag that are not relevant to your post just to get on top of the search engine’s result page. Use keywords that will seem natural in your blog post content.

8. Create an optimized site map that will make it easy for search engines to find you

You can do this by posting your URL into a text box and it will generate an optimized sitemap for you to use.

9. Using Effective Meta Tags and Titles will Help you a lot

You can think of an effective title or you can download plugins that will generate the most effective meta tag and titles for you. The generated titles will optimize your Search engine ranking.

10. Invest in Link-Building With bloggers and other Influencers

This is the most effective and practical strategy to bring traffic to your website. Just like any other relationship, networking is important for your online store relationships as well.

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Author Bio: Zain Ali is a full-time blogger at The Odyssey Blog. He has successfully grown organic revenue by 74% in 5 months through better analysis of the website and with SEO Activities. To grow your website you can contact him on Mediahicon.