3 Effective Ways to Generate Leads With Video in 2017


Video is the winning content format online right now. It grows rapidly and by 2020 it will completely dominate the content landscape.

From a lead generation perspective, video is also a valuable tool to achieve top conversions. This is because it enables you to establish a better connection with the viewer and to deliver information in an engaging way.

3 Quick Ways To Generate Leads With Video in 2017

3 Effective Ways to Generate Leads With Video in 2017
Generate Leads with Videos | Pixabay

1. Paid Video Ads

Paid advertising gives you full control over your traffic. As long as you manage to gain more than you spend, you have a virtually unlimited potential to profitably grow your business.

Facebook Ads are one of the best lead generation tools right now. In most markets, marketers crush it with video advertising on Facebook.

Make sure you develop a conversion oriented video that is optimized for Facebook and mobile. This means that you should get to the point and feature your hook, key messages and call to actions quickly. People don’t have a large attention span on social media channels.

Many marketers report great results with YouTube Ads, as well. They get lower attention than Facebook Ads at the moment, so you might still benefit from great prices.

And don’t hesitate to experiment with less known video ads networks. Test them out on a low budget and if they deliver well, increase your investment.

2. Webinars

Webinars deliver high conversion rates if you’re generating leads in a market in which you can educate consumers. And this is the case in most markets.

The key is to deliver a ton of value in a video that is usually 1 hour long. Teach your audience how to do something, like how to take the first step from a more elaborate process. Then you can pitch a product that shows them the rest of the steps.

Or teach them how they can solve a problem and then integrate your product/service into the picture. For example, they can do something manually in 1 hour. Then, show them how they can do the same thing automatically in 5 minutes if they use your product.

You can also do webinars without promoting any product or service, with the purpose of generating good will and building trust with your audience.

In order to enroll in your webinar, your prospects need to fill in a form (usually their name and email address) and this is how you generate leads.

3. YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine on Earth, after Google.

This means that there is a huge traffic inside the platform itself and if you put the right free offer in front of your audience, you can generate a massive amount of leads.

Your videos need to teach, entertain or do both. This is what works the best on YouTube.

Related: How YouTube can Increase Your Profit

If your prospects are searching for “how to” videos, then start building your channel right now. Golden opportunity!

Start publishing highly helpful videos. You can generate leads via integrating in your videos relevant calls to action via Annotations or YouTube cards.

Author Bio

Eugene Mota

Eugene Mota helps entrepreneurs build profitable businesses they love. For tips on how to get more leads and clients visit him at StartupAmbition.com.