If You’re Giving Out Your Credit Card Information Over the Phone, You Should Take These 4 Precautions


Nowadays, it’s possible to shop and spend money in many possible ways and via many different channels.

Let’s say you’ve got to pay your bills. You might have this setup automatically, you might pay online, or you might even pay over the phone.

However, we’ve all heard the rumors and dangers of paying over the phone, and many of us are probably sceptical that handing over our credit card information / details over the phone is a good idea, yet sometimes it’s unavoidable.

Today, we’re going to detail and explore four key ways you can help to ensure you’re safe while transferring your details over the phone, making sure you’re able to minimize the risk of theft and fraud.

Giving Out Your Credit Card Information – Be Careful

Credit Card Information

#1 – Never Give them to a Human Being

No matter what bill you’re paying or what money you’re transferring, any respectable company will send through from your phone conversation to an automated service where you’ll be able to tap in your credit card information into your keypad.

You should never say your credit card information aloud, nor should the representative you’re speaking to be able to hear what you’re typing in. You should be able to press a button when everything’s confirmed to take you back to the representative to continue your conversation.

#2 – Never Give Information to Someone Who Calls You

Never ever will a bank, financial institute or company call you to ask for your details. Some common scams involve people calling you saying they represent your bank and that you need to sort something out and therefore need to verify your information.

No official or reputable company ever do this. Of course, if you call the bank and ask for help, then this fine because you’re calling the phone number. They will never call you. Websites like Ivrnet have a ton of information and advice to help you stay safe when handling your financial information out over the phone.

#3 – Never Be in a Public Place

If you’re having problems with your credit card, you may need them to be sorted as quickly as possible, and if you’re out and about, you may feel the need to do this in a public place. However, you never know who could be listening into your conversation.

Always make sure you’re in a private setting with nobody around before handing over your details over the phone. Even if you’re typing the details into the keypad of your phone, do this privately.

#4 – Always Double-Check the Detail

Whether you’re paying a bill or paying for a product, always make sure you’re checking the details of the service and the amount you’re paying before handing over your details. Ask as many times as you feel comfortable with to make sure it’s correct.

Once the transaction has been completed, always check your statement to make sure agreed amount has been processed. The sooner you can raise any problems with your credit card company, the more likely they are to be resolved.


As you can see, while handing your credit card information out over the phone may not be the safest or most secure way to handle information, there are several steps you can take to ensure you’re as safe and secure as possible.

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Author: Sophia Williams