7 Ways To Retain Customers As A Small Business
The cost of acquiring new customers is high. But, there are many ways to retain customers and avoid this cost altogether. Studies show that...
Google Display Ads Best Practices – Complete Guidelines [2023]
Advertisements should be creative and informative. And try to create unique advertisements. The primary purpose of the ads is to attract people and influence...
19 Event Ideas To Attract Guests To Your Restaurant
Events are a popular form of restaurant marketing if they can be executed correctly. It can inspire repeat visits from past guests and attract...
8 Reasons Why Neon Signs Would Make A Profitable Business
At one point, it seemed like neon signs were a thing of the past. They were relics from a bygone period that were frequently...
Understanding The Advantages & Disadvantages of Buy Now Pay Later
Buy now, pay later (BNPL) schemes offer customers the opportunity to purchase items or services and spread the purchase's cost over time. There are...
6 Different Types of Customer Acquisition
It's no secret that every business needs customers to be successful. However, there are many different ways to acquire them depending on the business...
10 Benefits of Using OTT Marketing
The advancement in technology can be seen in every industry. From education to hospitality and finance to entertainment, technology has made its way in...
Amazon Marketing: 7 Major Keys To Building The Perfect Strategy
When selling on Amazon, it's important to have a strong marketing strategy. If you don't have a plan, or if your plan isn't effective,...
Build A Next-Level Business With Our Exceptional Brand Positioning Study Findings
Do you often wonder why customers are so attracted to some brands but not others? You’re not alone. In fact, this is one of...
How Can Video Marketing Be Used To Boost Client Engagement?
My friend started a business of graco spray gun and was worried about customer engagement. According to him, it was going great at the...