Why Small Businesses Can Significantly Benefit From Bookkeeping Software
For small businesses the need to save money in any which way they can is hugely beneficial. It comes in a time where equipment...
11 Great Ways You Can Use WordPress
WordPress is a CMS (Content Management Software) used by the majority of people who decide to set up their own website or blog. With...
The Rapid Growth Of Ecommerce – Get Your Slice Of The Cake
In the last decade, many businesses have worked their way through to the eCommerce market. Many of them started and remained eCommerce businesses, conducting...
5 Best Flipboard Alternatives to Increase Website Traffic
It is a known fact that there is another social network emerging in the market and looking forward to get tapped in the users’...
What is Flipboard and How to Use it?
Flipboard is basically an aggregation of social networking. It is a mobile app that has a format in magazine style and is supposed to...
7 Horrible Tech Startup Mistakes of Entrepreneurs
A lot of people dream to leave their career and job and start working as an entrepreneur. Some people are this much ambitious that...
5 Best PayPal Alternatives for Startup Transactions
Due to the emergence of E-Commerce, transactions through PayPal alternatives are also on the horizons. It is true that PayPal is the foremost choice...
10 Technology trends for 2016
Here is a quick tour of some prominent technology trends for small businesses to be used in 2016 that will affect the entrepreneurs in...
Instagram Hits Major Milestone
Striking Twitter by more than 80 million users, Instagram now announce its community of 400 million users, which proved that Instagram is now much...
Trillions of Facebook posts added to search results
Facebook has indexed almost trillions of post put on their site by its members to make it easier for them to find any old...