Cloud Computing: How Can It Benefit Your Business


According to different telecom expense management companies In the world of business, data management can be your best friend or your worst enemy. No matter how large or small your operation is, finding the best way to keep information flowing significantly impacts the success of your business and your profitability.

Those organizations who have mastered the process of information flow, work more efficiently. Those who have not, quickly become mired down in the data flow matrix.

Cloud computing has become synonymous with efficiency for countless businesses that have adopted this approach to data management in the last decade.

The secret to its success is found in the one-stop-shop approach for all data, no matter the format or the size. Here are a few examples of how cloud computing can benefit your business.

6 Ways Cloud Computing Can Help Small Businesses

Cloud Computing How it can help small business

1. Redundancy Reduction

How many times have you found yourself scratching your head trying to remember who was tasked with what at the last meeting, only to find out more than one person has taken on the task?

Cloud computing software, such as project management tools, works off of cloud storage to allow all users to input, update, and record data, so you always know who’s doing what. If you ever have a question, the work is right there in the cloud for anyone with the proper granted access to retrieve.

2. Streamlined Communication

Anyone who’s worked in any professional capacity knows how long some email chains can get. Sometimes key people get left off an email. Sometimes information is repeated.

Also, sometimes, the email chain gets so long, people begin to forget what has already been discussed. By switching to cloud computing, your organization will have access to the best workflow management software that allows everyone to communicate all in one central location: assign tasks, record progress on those tasks, ask questions and get answers all in one place, and much more.

3. Keeping Data True

Most business situations call for teamwork. Some processes require work in multiple stages across multiple teams, where everyone contributes their part to one larger product.

A process like this can get messy quickly if not everyone is keeping tabs on what version of the product is where. You may find yourself working on an older version, while someone else is working on the latest update, all because poor communication and duplication of effort has reared their ugly heads from the traditional data flow machine.

Cloud computing allows your organization to store one true version of a document, project, or product in one place that multiple team members can work on dynamically and simultaneously. Which helps perfectly with all the network inventory management.

This means updates are made in real time, no one has to come up with a clever naming convention to keep the documents current, and anyone can contribute from anywhere at any time.

4. Flexibility In Workflow

Cloud computing allows you to break down traditional barriers to business operations. With conventional data management, all of your work is local, on local servers and at individual workstations. The efficiency at which you work is dictated by your ability to access the data stored locally.

Cloud computing allows all of your organization’s team members to access the data they need, whenever they need it, from wherever they might be (provided they have a solid internet connection). That means you can offer your team members the flexibility to work when they are most productive, or from alternative locations if they are held back from the workplace due to appointments or illness.

Telecommuting is a huge draw for prospective candidates who are attracted buy the flexibility of working from home one or two days a week. Cloud computing makes this possible without impeding your business’s profitability.

5. Organization Of Information

Cloud computing allows for a whole slew of software products to come to life capitalizing on the advantages that this data storage method brings.

Countless software platforms are available that store all of your company’s information in the most organized ways. Whether you need project management or workflow management software, you can find everything you need in one place so that you can follow a project from start to finish.

All data you need to have can be centrally stored in the most organized of fashion. You can keep tabs on where the project is in its life cycle, while multiple contributors make changes and progress in real time. Plus, a historical record will live on in that cloud computing space so you can go back and review the process to find out what can be improved upon in the future.

6. A New Form Of Security

With traditional methods, your data is only as secure as your best IT professionals. As is the nature of most businesses, IT support comes and goes, leaving the security of your data in ever changing hands.

Security protocols and standard operating procedures are only as effective as the willingness of key personnel to follow them. Even the most skilled and dedicated professionals make mistakes once in a while, which may leave your data vulnerable to intrusion.

Cloud computing ensures all of your data is securely encrypted and stored in a location that’s managed by professionals whose bread is buttered by their company’s ability to keep your data safe. The number one mission of cloud computing providers is to store your data securely so that your organization can focus on streamlining processes and maximizing production without having to worry about the security of their information or products.

These points are just a few examples of cloud computing’s attributes that warrant your consideration. Take a moment or two to investigate different cloud computing platforms available to learn in greater detail all of the benefits this kind of data storage environment can present to you and your organization.

No matter which vendor you choose, the difference in the speed at which your organization communicates and accomplishes tasks will increase significantly once you make the switch to cloud computing. Cloud computing options have grown significantly in recent years, so take the time to find out which option is best for you and your organization.

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Author Bio:

As CEO and President, Mark D. Hearn leads the vision and direction of Network Control. He has been an active steward in the telecommunications management marketplace since 1987 and is recognized as a pioneer in the TEM industry, having started one of the first software based TEM companies. As a former President and CEO of two successful Consulting and Telecommunications Expense Software companies, Mark brings a wealth of institutional knowledge and domain expertise to Network Control, dating back to the divestiture of the Bell Companies and through the genesis of today’s TEM Market.