Customer Pain Points Mapping For Successful Jobs To Be Done Strategy


Understanding the true intent of your customer’s purchasing decision is crucial for businesses applying jobs to be done strategy.

Visualizing your customer’s journey from the navigation for solution to their pain points, to the degree of satisfaction achieved from the solution, is the key to plan your product development.

In this article, we shall understand the multiple dimensions of your customer pain points mapping – what and how to identify and solve pain points through your product.

What Are Different Customer Pain Points?

Customer Pain Points Mapping For Successful Jobs To Be Done Strategy

Customers face different types of pain points across various product touch points while going through their customer journey.

Every time your customer interacts with your product through different touch points, where they need to cross some pain points to achieve the job-to-be-done. Understanding the customer pain points is crucial to create a successful product positioning strategy. Let’s have a look at different pain points which can affect your business. 

1.  Monetary Pain Points

Your product pricing should satisfy the targeted customer segments and other customers nearby that zone. There are different metrics to consider while gauging customer’s affordability to buy the solution for their jobs.

  • Product performance vs. Cost
  • Product durability vs. Cost
  • Cost effectiveness vs. demand

Customers will always monitor the maximum cost they want to pay for a particular solution, which depends on the degree of the job to be done, and alternative solutions to those. Therefore, businesses can strategize budget-friendly pricing options to create customer-friendly plans for their product or services.

2. Navigation Pain Points

While delivering the solution to your customers, sometimes you can face operational troubles along the customer journey.

Answer these few questions to figure out any pain points faced by the customers during navigation.

  • How difficult is it to contact your customer support team?
  • Are your customers facing huge delays in getting notifications for their queries?
  • How often do your customers bounce back from different web pages?

These pain points can occur due to outdated or incorrect navigation links, and poor internal collaboration. This can increase your customer acquisition cost too.

3. Customer Support Pain Points

You cannot identify your customers’ pain points if your customer support service is not effective. The support team agents should ensure proper interaction within the team and with customers through different touch points – calls, emails, chatbots, etc.

With a good omnichannel software, you can monitor your customer service team performance, and improve the pain points. 

4. Performance Pain Points

If you’re facing productivity or performance pain points, then it must be either a team communication problem, or your team may not be able to figure out the problems.

Your customers seek a seamless support experience for their queries, which is possible through a quick and workable solution from your team. But a poor support system can reduce the agent productivity by diminishing the customer service efforts as the customer expects quality service against payment. These internal inefficiencies can increase customer churn rate, and your brand suffers from loss of clients.

The major pain point difference to note is whether your team is flooded with work, or poor communication is the cause for performance pain points.

After this, we need to figure out the strategy for finding all the customer pain points.

How To Find Customer Pain Points?

To become a brand which imparts memorable customer experience, you must identify the crucial customer pain points, and transform those into innovative solutions.

Let’s discuss four ways to do so.

1. Pick Out the Right Questions

You can simply send survey forms to your customers through different touchpoints, but what about those who don’t answer those surveys at all.

There comes the right question to be framed, which lures the customer to answer readily. The design of your survey needs to be inclusive of open-ended questions, where the customer can express himself accurately. And those questions need to have a human touch.

For example, a question can be asked – “How often do you order food online? – moderately, frequently, rarely, exceptionally.”

Now, you can frame it as – “I like to order food – daily, twice or thrice a week, once or twice a month, and less than 10 times a year”.

2. Talk to Your Sales Team 

You can collect answers to the following questions, for mapping your customers pain points.

  • What pain points are frequently shared by the prospects?
  • What are strong likes and dislikes of the prospect about the product/ service?
  • How would the prospect want the solution?
  • Why was the product turned down by the prospect?

3. Do Analysis of Online Reviews

Doing quantitative analysis of all the customer reviews on all your online channels is a great tool to find the real customer pain points. Make sure you filter out the fake reviews put by competitors to decrease your rating. 

4. Do Precise Competitor Analysis

There may be some buyer personas out of your reach, which can be easily missed out even with a good product team. To fill this gap, you can use different CRMs and tools to hunt your competitors’ performance, and their strategies which drive them more results than yours. 

Here are some steps which can help you find customer pain points of your competitors.

  • Do a quick analysis of the website, FAQs, featured landing pages, and pricing of your competitors.
  • List down their product’s customer pain points, and how they solved those problems with all the required metrics. Then, you can incorporate those changes into your service.
  • See how their marketing ads target the customer pain points, and compare that with your ad copy through Google Ads.
  • Enlist useful integrations used by your competitors, which makes their customer’s journey seamless. 


Mapping customer’s pain points is not tricky, but a smart game. You must be good in finding the right historical data in real-time, which can precisely point out your customer pain points.

The above article can guide you to identify and solve the biggest pain points your customers face or will face. And remember, customer pain points change with time, and maybe your product/ service is a good fit, but you need to consider external factors too.

Positioning your customer’s pain points as your product message or solution can fetch you more sales than ever.

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Author Bio: Kriti Saraiya is a blogger and journalism student and writes on technology and health related topics. She has good experience across technology, consulting and marketing.