7 Ways to Get Google Crawl and Index a Website Thoroughly


There are three crucial things Google need to do to become the world’s top-ranked search engines. First, it has to crawl the web comprehensively and deeply, index webpages accordingly and finally rank or serve those pages in return to the most relevant ones first.

Crawling and Indexing, these significant words make up Google to where is it now. Search engines like Google operate by Spiders also known as Bots or Crawlers. It is a software program that is set out to search for new content from webpages, blogs, or websites.

It may shock many that search engine crawlers use the link of an existing, leading website to search for budding sites. They follow the updates of the new page from there to request a copy of the page and download them to the server.

They evaluate the page and find links to other new pages within that brand new website. The content and the link (URL) of a site or webpage must be readable for search engine bots to copy and download them.

If they can’t download a copy of your website, then most probably you won’t be able to see your page in the search engine results.

It is still a dream for many blog writers and website owners to get their website or blogs to be ranked higher in Google and to get listed on the initial page of search results.

 It all depends on the way we optimize our page that plays a vital role in its ability to get ranked by search engines. This article discusses seven ways of optimizing your website or blog and gets Google to Crawl and Index your site thoroughly for higher Google ranking.

7 Ways to Get Google Crawl and Index a Website

google crawl and index a website

#1 Track your website scores

It is vital to know how your site is performing and progressing in Google rating. Keep track of your website scores frequently to do continuous improvisation and get faster ranking in Google.

KeeptheScore is the best website score tracker to check your site scores with an online scoreboard that works in all devices that has access to internet connection. It is a hassle-free, fast and efficient way to support and guide you on what to do and what not to get crawled by search engine spiders.

#2 Spot and Delete “Zombie Pages.”

Many fall into a myth that Google will only rank pages that create countless fresh and new content daily. However, some claims suggest that Google effortlessly lists the pages or blogs with lesser content but of higher quality. It sounds that Google concerns more about the quality of content than quantity.

Hence, do not publish for the sake of publishing. Find out and delete all unnecessary, junk contents that don’t provide any value, from your website to improve its quality and get ranked faster.

#3 Post New and Unique Content

You will only get the opportunity to be ranked on Google if the particular blog or website is active. Thus, posting at least two exclusive content once every two weeks is very important to maintain the active status of your page.

Materials can be in any form such as videos, articles and so on. Google often ignore to crawl and index on posts that are outdated and old.

Added to that, you must ensure that the content you are providing is plagiarism free since duplicate materials prevent your page from getting ranked by Google.

#4 Clean Up Technical SEO Issues

If you own a website or blog, you might probably be facing hundreds of SEO related technical issues. Duplicate description tags, missing or duplicate title tags, images without ALT text, broken links, 302 redirects that are supposed to be 301 and blocked pages by Robot.TXT are some of the common problems that users will come across.

Just identifying these technical issues and fixing them as soon as possible would aid in hundred times faster crawling and indexing rate. How do you find out the technical problem? Here is where SEO score rankings become handy.

Check your websites SEO score ranking using Semrush and improve your SEO score in the search result. Semrush Site Audit Tool can be used to spot and fix the technical SEO issues at ease. Another simple method is, spot and delete the junk files. Google states that the lesser the content, the fewer technical SEO issues rise.

#5 On-page SEO Optimization (Keyword Optimization)

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If you write a blog post on ten easy ways to lose weight, then your target keyword will be easy ways to lose weight. It is essential to add these keywords at the beginning of the articles.

Google often put on more weight and detect words that are at the initial part of an article. If your keyword is somewhere at the bottom of the article, there is a lesser chance for your page to appear among the first few lists of search results.

Another simpler way is to use a keyword optimization crawler, and Semrush will be one of the best choices.

#6 Upgrade your CTR Rate

Boosting your CTR in full Click-Through-Rate will have the most impact on your SEO optimization progress. CTR is a massive ranking factor right now where it ranks a website in Google based on the number of clicks for that particular website.

Imagine if more people click on your post for a specific keyword, then Google will automatically detect your site to be the most reliable resource for that keyword and rank you higher in the search result.

The best way to boost your CTR rate is by changing the title and description of the webpage to match closer to your target keywords.

#7 Enhance dwell time

Dwell time is a term to describe the amount of time a surfer spends on your page. The longer the dwell time, the more chances for your page to get ranked higher in Google. What can you do to improve your webpage’s dwell time quickly?

Make sure to have a hook with your introduction so that the users will continue reading the rest of your content. Avoid larger images that might push your content downward and move your content up so that it will appear at the top of the page.

There you have it, the seven steps to getting Google to crawl and index your website. Always make contents that are different from the existing ones. This way you will drive more traffic to your site and get ranked in Google much faster.

Read Also: 7 Tactics on How to Get Backlinks Without Making A New Content

Author’s Bio: Harold is a marketing enthusiast and an influencer in Different verticals. She keeps special interest in the impact of visual branding on business growth. She has been writing for a long time now and has a interest in traveling as well.