10 Green Business Ideas For Entrepreneurs


Planning to start your own eco-friendly business? We’ve have handpicked best sustainable green business ideas for you. Choose the right one and get started.

What is a Green Business?

A business that does not create any negative impact on the local or global environment, economy, social and community is known as green business.

Green businesses often adopt policies and certain practices to improve the quality of life of their employees, customers, communities and also leave good effect on environment. Green businesses are environmentally and socially responsible. They care about their workers. They also protect their customers and clients. These businesses are also known as sustainable businesses or socially responsible businesses.

What are the benefits of starting Green Business?

Starting an environmental friendly business assist you to reduce your impact on the environment and also assist you to save natural resources. Along with the benefits, green businesses also save money.

For instance, if you use recycle products then it can reduce your cost. Further, it will attract new customers who want to buy products and services from eco-friendly businesses. It also improves your business sustainability.

10 Green Business Ideas for Eco-Minded Entrepreneurs

Green Business Ideas

1# Making Solar Shingles

The trend of generating energy from renewable sources are increasing day by day. The fact is that traditional ways create pollution in the environment. However, energy from renewable sources such as solar power or wind, does not pollute environment. Generating energy from wind and solar are cheaper than the traditional ways.

You can try your luck in this niche. It has lot of business opportunities and future success. For instance, you can make solar shingles and install on the roof to generate clean energy. Solar shingles are basically integrated photo-voltaic building product and they can directly generate green electricity from sunlight. The solar shingles are also adorable because they look like ordinary roof shingles.

2# Making Eco-Friendly Products

We use different types of products (i.e. plastic bags etc.) in our daily lives, but directly or indirectly it creates pollution and harms our environment. For instance, plastic pollution.

Governments from all around the world are making strict laws to reduce products and their wastes that are not environmental friendly. For instance, Bangladesh already banned plastic bags to decrease plastic pollution.

In order to replace the use of bad products, there is a great need of making products that eco-friendly. You can make eco-friendly products and sell them to create good impact on the impact.

3# eCommerce Website

You can make an eCommerce website and label it an online green store. There, you should only sell all the eco-friendly products.

4# Write About Going Green

No doubt, United Nations, World Economic Forum, Governments and NGOs are running multiple programs to create awareness in the society.

But still, people need deep understanding. Create your own blog and write about environment and how one can save environment. Also discuss about green business, social responsible business, Corporate Social Responsibility, and responsibility at individual level. It will help people to understand that why going green is important.

To monetize your green blog, you can place advertisements, sponsorship or do affiliate marketing.

5# Rendering Green Consultancy Services

Due to regulatory authorities and compliance, companies need to implement green human resource management (green HRM), purchasing green products and apply green techniques to reduce negative impact on environment.

Due to lack of knowledge and experience, companies hire green consultants and experts to comply with regulators terms and conditions. If you’re an expert in this field, offer your green consultancy services.

6# Environmental Legal Services

If organizations deviate from their missions and adopt activities that are harmful for the society and overall environment, then you can hold them liable and legal enforce them to follow green practices.

7# Green Cleaning Products

People use different types of chemical related products to clean houses and offices. You can make and sell green cleaning products to protect our environment.

8# Eco-Friendly Restaurants

Open your restaurant and use local sourced food. To process food, use eco-friendly products.

9# Hygienic Food

Hygienic food is another one of the best green business ideas. People are health conscious these days. You can sell hygienic food in order to protect your customers’ health.

10# Paperless Office

In traditional offices, the consumption of papers is very high. You can implement IT infrastructure to reduce paper consumption. Reducing paper consumption means saving trees.

There are hundreds of more green business ideas which you can start tomorrow. We’ll add more eco-friendly business ideas in this list. Stay Tuned!

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