Your Guide To YouTube SEO


Your video is effective only when you back it up with a strong video marketing strategy. To boost traffic and increase the conversion, you need to do YouTube SEO to rank you video.

Significant increase in overall engagement on a website is the direct result of people spending more time on your website. Plain text is boring and drives away your potential customers but videos help your viewers understand your product a lot better! Under-utilizing video SEO is a nightmare. So, here’s what you can do to up your video marketing strategy!

YouTube being the second largest search engine has gathered billions of daily views. When you choose YouTube as your video hosting platform, your video content is bound to show up on Google search results as well!

Lucky for you, 82% of video results are directly pulled from YouTube. Other platforms don’t stand such a major chance. So if you’re looking for a video platform, YouTube might just be the ideal platform.

Benefits of Video SEO

Your Guide to YouTube SEO

Increase in Search Engine click through rates

Thumbnails are much more attractive than just text-based searches that pop up on your search engine. Video content is known to show a sharp 157% organic increase on the click rate when compared to text-based listings.

Boosts website’s SEO KPI

That awesome content on your website is being sought out by your target market. The only way they’re bound to keep visiting your website is when they’re satisfied with the information found on your website.

Well-made videos can do that for you. Engaging and relevant content decreases bounce rate of your video. The longer the dwell time, the better for you!

Strengthens keyword strategies

Your video content is a great supplement for your existing keyword strategy. Whatever video hosting platform you choose, you can include your video transcript in the description. This in turn increases the organic traffic due to higher rankings in SERP.

Low bounce rate

Your SEO rankings can drastically improve with higher rankings. When a user stays on your page for a longer chunk of time, Google automatically assumes that you’ve successfully answered whatever question your user had. This great user experience is rewarded through better rankings!

Maximize your YouTube SEO

Market Your Business Through YouTube With These Tips

1# Optimize video data

Similar to the HTML mark-up which provides appropriate clues to the search engine, video details such as the title, description, tags, transcript provide great optimization benefits.

Ensuring the right execution, always results in boosted rankings, visibility and higher leads. Following YouTube SEO elements are a must-have:

Title: The right title is compelling, intriguing and interesting. When you include SEO keywords in the title, it serves the purpose of answering questions your user might have.

Pro-tip: Include a ‘how to’, ‘learn’ or ‘review’ in your title to get staggering results.

Description: Try to clearly communicate and explain the content to bring more value to your video. This answers any possible questions your audience might have.

Transcript: Tons of video hosting platforms enable transcript uploading feature. If that’s not the case with your platform, you can share your video transcript in your description as well. You can choose to pack as many keywords and search phrases as you wish to!

Tag: These words or phrases categorize your video and enable relevant results on search engines. Phrases such as ‘home décor’ or ‘digital marketing’ are examples of these references.

Don’t try to go overboard by overdoing them, this could lead to your video getting flagged or even removed from platforms.

2# Write SEO focused script

Including search terms in your script boosts your visibility, like it does in the case of transcripts. Just like how you use search phrases in your social media copy or even the blogs that go up on your website.

This increases your chances of showing up in the search when you copy paste that script in your video’s description. Including the right terms and necessary keywords should always be a priority!

3# Have the best first 10 seconds

The average human attention span is 8 seconds. Your goal is to engage with today’s easily distracted customer.

Viewership tends to drop down after the first 10 seconds. Beyond that, it’s up to your awesome script and great content to keep those eyeballs stuck to the screen.

When you do that successfully, your video is bound to increase in its ranking. So make sure that you nail the first 10 seconds crucial to viewer experience.

After that, it’s up to those power-packed graphics, engaging storyline, cool characters and everything else that makes up your video.

4# Select the coolest thumbnail

Often various video platforms automatically select a thumbnail for your video. We don’t want an automated thumbnail with your narrator’s mouth halfway open while talking, right?

Don’t compromise on your thumbnail quality just like that! Choose a unique thumbnail to grab your viewer’s attention. Remember, the perfect thumbnail garners higher clicks- always, and works wonders while improving brand elements.

While an overdone thumbnail just jeopardizes the life of your awesome video content. Simple rules, clean high resolution display, strong branding elements, fun quotes, and most importantly, beware of potentially sounding like clickbait!

5# Ensure Comments inducing content

Interactive video content is always appreciated by the masses. When you break that 4th wall and ask the right videos to your audience, the comments are bound to flood in.

Encouraging your viewers to comment and express their views on your content is a highly appropriate method to go about it.

The comments on video suggest a strong correlation with the visibility and the ranking of videos. Often replying to the comments received is a great way to show your patrons, you care!

6# Make your YouTube channel user friendly!

This goes without being said, an optimized YouTube channel can lead to a seamless user experience, reeling in new viewers almost every day! When was the last time you kept on binge watching videos in a YouTube playlist?

The answer would be on a regular basis. When you create a video playlist by clubbing in the relevant topics, you generate an access of views and a wider audience reach- at no extra cost. All thanks to the autoplay feature.

Organizing your channel page often reaps in similar results. A consistent, crisp and professional YouTube channel mixed with awesome video content always results into more viewers and subscribers. Using attractive banners, display pictures, descriptions are all parts of optimizing your YouTube channel!

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Author Bio: Priyanshi Shah is a marketing content writer at CommunicationCrafts, a leading digital marketing & video production agency also known for software, web & best mobile app development company. With keen interest in SEO and blogging she has worked around enhancing SEO experiences for everyone. Priyanshi is known for producing, inclusive, easy to understand and fun content revolving digital marketing.