How To Choose The Right Kind of Web Hosting For Your Business (Shared, Dedicated, Cloud, VPS)


Web hosting is the kind of thing that most people don’t think is that important. Like choosing a plate to put your dinner on, it’s just the thing that holds your website, right? Wrong… And choosing the wrong type can have bigger (negative) consequences than you may realize.

So then how do you go about choosing the right kind of web hosting for your business? It can seem intimidating when you first look at it, but once you have an idea of the different types, their properties, and their pros and cons, it becomes much easier to pick the one that will serve your business the best.

Let’s start by taking a look at the different types of web hosting, before going into some tips on how to choose the one for you.

4 Types of Web Hosting

How To Choose The Right Kind of Web Hosting For Your Business

1. Shared Hosting

In this type of hosting, your website won’t be the only one stored on the server. You’ll be sharing it with a bunch of other websites—which means you’ll also be sharing all of the server’s resources with it.

Imagine having a glass of water that needs to be shared between 8 thirsty people. Everyone will get a little sip… But nobody is going to be fully hydrated. Unless you’re the rare person who doesn’t need a lot of water, then you’re not likely to be getting the amount you need, and your performance will suffer as a result.

In website terms, if your site doesn’t consume a lot of resources, contains only one page, or is very plain, then shared hosting could be good for you. It’s the cheapest option, so you may be able to save some pennies if your site is basic. But don’t try to cut costs in this area if your site is comprehensive—you’ll only be shooting yourself in the foot.

If you’ve got a site with multiple pages, plenty of graphics or videos, or a complicated structure, then we recommend one of the below hosting types.

2. Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is the newest one to hit the internet, and it involves hosting your website files across multiple servers in the cloud. It’s pricey, but it’s also quite a lot more reliable than others. It’s also scalable, which is new and exciting.

This kind of web hosting offers layered security features, which really helps to give you peace of mind when it comes to keeping your site, your resources, and your information (and that of your visitors) safe.

And if you find that your business has outgrown your hosting, it’s as simple as upgrading your RAM. This could be the ideal type of hosting for almost every business!

3. Virtual Private Servers (VPS) Hosting

A VPS technically holds multiple websites on one server, but it splits the server into many “virtual servers”, each with its own resources. So while you may be sharing a server with others, you aren’t sharing resources.

It costs more than shared hosting, but it’s a lot more reliable and easy for you to control. The security is also a big step up from shared hosting, which is a huge bonus. And because you aren’t sharing resources, you should find that your uptime is better and your web pages load quite a bit faster than they would with shared hosting.

If you’re not keen on shared hosting but don’t have the budget for cloud or dedicated hosting, VPS hosting is an excellent compromise.

4. Dedicated Hosting

With dedicated hosting, your site will get its own private, personal server. All to itself! As you might imagine, this is a little on the pricey side. But if exclusivity matters to you, it may be worth it to ensure you aren’t sharing resources with anyone else.

Security is improved. Uptime is noticeably better than shared hosting offers. And you can rest assured knowing that nobody else’s website can affect yours. If you’ve got the budget, this is a foolproof choice.

Managed vs Unmanaged Hosting: Which Is Better for Your Business?

As well as choosing a type of website hosting, you can also choose between managed and unmanaged hosting. If you go for unmanaged hosting, you’ll have to manage and maintain your own server all by yourself.

This requires a level of technical expertise that not many people have, so while it’s the cheaper choice, it might not be the optimal choice for most.

On the other hand, managed hosting deals with all the tech stuff for you. This can take a lot of stress off, but be ready to pay more for this kind of hosting. However, your fee will typically get you 24/7 technical support, and they’ll manage things like your security, software, and system performance.


So, choosing the right web hosting isn’t always a straightforward task, but it sure helps if you know what your needs and wants are.

If you’re okay to deal with tech stuff on your own, then you can save some money choosing unmanaged hosting. Otherwise, managed hosting is the way to go, although it’s a good idea to check the costs associated with website hosting to make sure you’re covering all bases.

In terms of the type of web hosting you should look at, here’s a quick overview to help you choose the right thing.

Choose Shared Hosting If

You have a small, uncomplicated website, you don’t have a lot of media on your website, and you’re using system fonts that can be loaded off the browser rather than the server. It’s also a good choice if your site is only targeting local visitors.

We don’t recommend choosing this kind of web hosting on budget alone, even though it is the cheapest! Make sure it’s right for your site type.

Choose Cloud Hosting If

You have a comprehensive, complicated website that is likely to outgrow the hosting tier you’re on right now. Also, this is best for those who have a higher budget to spend. If you’ve got the means, we highly recommend going for this one from the start.

Choose VPS Hosting If

You want a more reliable hosting type than shared hosting but don’t have the budget for your own dedicated server. It’s still a little less reliable and secure than dedicated, but it’s a noticeable step up in terms of security and uptime compared to shared hosting.

Choose Dedicated Hosting If

You’ve got a detailed, complicated website, or your site contains a lot of media. Be aware that you’ll pay more for this hosting than VPS or shared, but you’ll have a bunch of control over your site and you won’t be sharing any resources with anyone.

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Author Bio: Paul Wheeler runs a web design agency that helps small businesses optimize their websites for business success. He aims to educate business owners on all things website-related, at his own website, Reviews for Website Hosting.