Importance of Facebook Marketing in small business


Marketing landscapes have changed with the increasing popularity of social media marketing networks. Now, we can run small businesses on our finger tips. We can share any kind of content around the world in a few seconds. According to media bistro, 73% of small businesses are using social media to increase their online presence. No matter whether the business is at small or large scale, they are paying high attention toward the importance of Facebook Marketing and considering advertising on Facebook. It is also a significant platform for the companies to generate online sales and boost their revenues by using Facebook marketing. If you’re a small business owner and running your startup business but ignoring the importance of Facebook marketing then you are missing the great opportunity to grow your business online.

importance of facebook marketing

Why we use Facebook Marketing for business purpose?

Before we move on the original topic, we should think about the basic question that why we should use Facebook marketing for small businesses? Well, the answer is simple. Facebook marketing is a cheapest way to convey your business message to online customers. Secondly, Facebook marketing has a psychological affect on users. Creating a Facebook business page can engage online users and also become a good source of web traffic to the business website. At the same time, Facebook Ads can also play a vital role in increasing the online sales. The main reason of using Facebook marketing is that millions of people also use Facebook with different states of minds. So, ignoring importance of social media marketing especially Facebook can put the business at the danger level. Here are five important factors that why you should use Facebook marketing  to grow your business online.

5 Importance Factors of Facebook Marketing

1). Build awareness about brand in community

Creating a Facebook business page and sharing your expertise in community can build awareness about the brand in online community . When your community start engaging with your business brand then they will become your online marketers and spread the word.

2). Customer Services

Your Facebook page can become a customer services tool. Your customer posts can resolve the customers problem online.

3). Offering deals

Advertisements on Facebook gain is too mainstream in these days as it has the ability to gain the attention of Facebook users. So, most of small businesses offer their different sort of deals on daily basis. And they also offer reliable deals in which customers feedback is valuable too.

4). Aggregation of Facebook on other stream

If you are only on Facebook then try to aggregate your Facebook links on different other websites. Like you have a separate portal of brand they you should try to add your Facebook social link on your online portal from where people get easily approach you. Hootsuite also allows you to schedule a single message on all social media platforms at the same time.

5). Saving money

In earlier days, promoting business products on different platforms was very expensive. Promotions or advertisements on TV, newspapers were very costly. But now you can save these extra promotional expenses. Yes, you can. You can use Facebook because it is free to use.

Benefits of Using Facebook Marketing For Small Business

There are multiple benefits of using Facebook for business as it is the world’s most promising platform. It is very easy to use. It can also use for sharing your business information from one profile to other as it also create a concept of B2B relationship.

Users can easily interact with any employee/assistant or directly interact with the owner of the company. Facebook network allows other business to communicate with the existing and prospective clients. Providing support and services are very easy on Facebook, as it is very comfortable place to build customer relationship with organization.

User traffic can also be increased by adding links on Facebook pages which gather more people. Pages should manage their post by giving full description of the brand or product which is somehow beneficial in promoting a website people read the post and then go to website for purchasing of it.

Awareness of business tools on Facebook can also be a beneficial. It means that once the page is liked, people will receive updates made by the business and even their friends will be able to see them and get directed towards the page.

Latest Facts and Statistics about Importance of Facebook Marketing
  • Facebook have got 11 million users.
  • 79% of people are using Facebook on mobile.
  • It generates $1.4 million revenue every hour.
  • Facebook generated $12.47 billion in sales in 2014 (a rise of 58% year on year)
  • There are 1 billion mobile app links enabled on Facebook