Improve Your Organization’s Business Agility With a Business Process Management


The effective operation of each enterprise is based on the proper management of business processes occurring within. Its essence consists in ensuring full visibility of in-house processes.

Automation, monitoring, and optimization of processes are executed via special systems and IT tools, which allow continuous improvement of business processes in terms of the individual needs of each company.

What does business Process management consist of and how to ensure its proper execution?

Business Process Management in Theory & Practice

Business Process Management

The concept of Business Process Management, in short BPM, has already been known since the mid-90s of the previous century.

It is an approach to managing an organization, which includes identification, analysis, optimization, and measurement of processes by application of the system of measures and indicators.

Business Process Management can also be specified as the approach to management, which concentrates on the optimization of the course of business processes in organizations.

Therefore, business processes constitute the basic element thereof. Whereas, the concept of a process refers to the logical sequence of consecutive activities aimed at processing the input material into output material and thus, delivering to the recipient a product or a service with relevant features and characteristics.

Therefore, a business process is a set of activities performed to achieve a specific value in the form of a finished product. To this end, specific resources and rules, according to which the product will be processed, are necessary.

A properly drawn up map of processes is a necessary element for forecasting the company’s behaviors. Skillful business process management, which is executed with diligently selected and functional tools, significantly facilitates and improves the company’s work by making it more productive, better organized, and more effective, that is, more competitive.

Even several years ago business process management primarily concentrated on reducing costs and increasing productivity of the enterprise. Today, improvement of the customer service quality is especially underlined, which has a direct impact on the company’s position on the market and its success in the industry.

The Business Process Management System & Application Platform

project management software for team collaboration

Tools used for professional business process management are BPM systems allowing managing and automating processes occurring in companies and organizations.

This type of first-class solutions currently available on the market allows developing applications without coding and effectively support the electronic flow of tasks and documents in a company.

Particular attention should be given to low-code platforms, which allow effective, functional, and prospective service of in-house business processes. Through the agency thereof, both core processes for the organization’s functioning, as well as processes supporting the activity of the organization, can be managed.

The low-code application platform is a modern solution, which has been developed especially for companies wishing to make their activity independent from developer teams and effectively manage change in real-time.

Their developed functionality allows quick and convenient, virtual development of business applications through the agency of forms, diagrams, or graphs (e.g. in so-called Designers), without the knowledge of programming languages.

To develop your own application, which is perfectly adjusted to current needs and requirements, it suffices to simply understand the workflow process and mechanism.

What features should a good quality BPM system have?

business process mapping

A high-class application platform allows developing with one tool numerous business applications necessary for the company at a given time.

With such application, it is possible to automate both, typical (e.g. servicing vacation requests and approving costs) and specific (e.g. processing credit applications or empirical tests of products) scenarios, provide support by managing authorizations and access to particular functions by users and several other useful functions which will satisfy the needs of each contemporary business striving for effective and efficient management of processes.

Additional advantage is also the possibility of easy integration of the BPM system with other core solutions such as ERP or CRM platforms.

Good quality, a prospective system for business process management and connected application platform should be based on modern technologies and the highest standards of developing IT solutions for business.

Furthermore, an unquestionable advantage of such a solution will also be its developed functionality, high flexibility, and highest security standards. Companies will also appreciate intuitive service and easy change management which is of key significance for the improvement of the functioning of each dynamically developing business.

A modern application platform should allow the introduction of direct changes in real-time, which will allow the company to efficiently react to changing business needs without a standstill or transitional period, at the same time maintaining full control over the application portfolio.

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Author: Abdul Mateen