Leverage Electronic Signature Technology for Your Sales Department


Today, your salespeople require electronic signatures to enhance their potential and boost overall consumer productivity. Can you notice any delay between the leads coming in and securing business by getting all the essential documents signed?

Do you lose at times to find your competitor got their agreement out of your customer before you?

Does your sales department often complain about spending too much time working on the administrative tasks and not getting enough time on the actual lead generation and follow up?

There is a simple way to overcome all the challenges by letting your sales department to start leveraging the electronic signature solution.

It is not only your sales team who can benefit from eSignature technology but your entire company.

4 Ways to Leverage Electronic Signature Technology

electronic signature technology

1# Faster Invoicing

One of the common cross-department complaints in a company tends to be between the finance and the sales departments. But why?

Firstly, sales bonuses and commissions ride on appropriate reporting, and the finance department depends on the right information to invoice accordingly. But somewhere along the path, a disconnection takes place.

Salespeople say that they sold a certain amount for their month, but the numbers from the financial report show somewhat different.

This is due to a clerical mistake, a failure from the sales department to pass over the correct details, or the finance department going on inappropriate assumptions.

At times an invoice gets misplaced or missed, and the salesperson has to deal with a customer who is waiting for their product has not paid up. Keep it simple for your finance department and make your salespeople happy and satisfied.

The signed digital agreements or POs can be passed over easily and instantly to the finance department, so they have all the relevant details to invoice your customers, ensuring payment delays never come from your end.

2# Enhanced Effectiveness

Salespeople need to get relieved from the cumbersome paperwork and administrative duties. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, only 39 percent of sales executives spend their time interacting or selling with their clients or prospects.

As per HBR research, more than 21 percent of salespeople spend their time on admin.

Hence, the only path to improving productivity is by offering the power to your sales department to be efficient. The primary reason that salespeople fail is that they are disorganized.

When salespeople adopt an electronic signature solution, they can notice that there is an enhanced organization workflow.

All the paperwork becomes digital, so that you can share relevant information easily in the same system without the risk of details getting misplaced in transit.

There is no more disconnection between your execution and sales, no matter whether it is between the operations and logistics department or the finance team. No need to rely on physical paperwork, and this signifies that the agreements can instantly be in the right person’s hands in just a simple click.

A robust electronic signature solution synchronizes with all the top business cloud storage solutions like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box. Moreover, you can also connect it with your organization’s CRM system, and the solution has integration with Gmail.

3# Establish Secure and Legal Documentation

eSignatures in digital paperwork are legally binding. With geographic locations, time and date stamps, and verified emails, you can acquire a complete data trail when compared to physical paperwork. It is ideal if you want valid confirmation and accountability.

You can also get notifications of confirmation of a newly signed contract that was out for signing. Any agreements you import are converted into PDFs automatically for additional security.

Whether your documentation is being stored directly or in transit to get signed, it is always encrypted. This means that even the hackers were to somehow get through all the layers of security, they would not be able to read the contracts.

Also, you can restrict access to the documents with multiple levels of user access that adds an extra layer of security to your crucial data.

When you have concerns about compliance with all the recent personal data privacy regulations, then there is good news for you. The electronic signature solution is compliant with ESIGN, EU Directives, and UETA.

4# Make it Expedient

Minimize the time between verbal contracts and getting the document. No matter what your industry is, the sales department is missing a trick if you are unable to deliver the paperwork required to secure the agreement.

Do your sales representatives travel to meet the customers? Whether it is 20kms or 20,000kms, there is always going to be a delay in processing your paperwork if you are stuck with physical documents. When your salespeople cannot be online but require a signature, then there is no need to go back and post, fax, or email through the contract.

They can easily get the relevant paperwork signed on their smartphone, laptop, or tablet, that will upgrade the original document when they online for the next time.

Hence, if you are a resident of the United States, have potential customers in China, and a logistics team in Belize, then you can get the documents signed quickly by your customers, sign it yourself, and later send it to the logistics department.

Author Bio:Kevin Peterson is a content marketing enthusiast, freelance writer at SutiSoft, specializing in Business, ERP, Technology and Cloud/SaaS trends.