10 Ways to Make Your Newest Employees Feel Welcome


So, you’ve signed on a new hire. Good for you!

Now it’s time to make sure they settle into the company and feel like a part of the family. How do you do it?

With gifts and activities that make them feel right at home, of course.

It seems like unnecessary fluff, but, in fact, showering your new employees with special surprises on day one can help them start off with an employee morale rating of 10. Plus, showing your team members that you appreciate them results in a more motivated workforce, studies show.

In fact, 81 percent of employees say they want to work harder when their boss shows them appreciation, according to Glassdoor.

Here are some excellent ways to make your brand-new hires feel completely welcome so they feel committed to their roles and easily integrate as a part of the team.

10 Ways to Make Your Newest Employees Feel Welcome

newest employees feel welcome

1# Shower Them with Swag

Company swag, such as branded T-shirts, hoodies, water bottles or tote bags, helps make your employees feel like one big family. Being able to wear your logo and colors helps new team members feel like they belong.

As an added bonus, they’ll most likely wear their gear outside the workplace, which means extra promotional branding for you!

2# Pile on the Desk Staples (Pun Intended)

Too often, budget-conscious businesses cut corners on the office supplies, tossing new hires into the fire without the proper equipment.

Make sure you think about what office gear your new employees might need on the first day, including a mouse pad, stapler, pens and a pad of paper.

You should also write down the Wi-Fi password and any other important passwords they might need on their first day. The idea is to let them get to work without having to ask for anything.

3# Give Them a Funny Gift

Set the stage for some workplace fun by giving the gift of a pair of crazy socks that says something hilarious. If you work in an office, you could give your newbie a pair of Office Space socks or a sock style inspired by The Office.

There are even humorous socks that honor certain professions and industries. Nothing breaks the ice quite like something funny, and socks are the best because everyone wears them and sizing isn’t generally an issue.

4# Leave Your Morning Open

Of course, everyone is busy, and squeezing an extra hour into your day for a new hire may seem like a lot of time. But that first day is integral to a newbie’s success, so don’t rush through the orientation process or expect them to dive right in without direction.

Even if they’re total self-starters, they’re going to need training on your specific processes and tools, so be patient and let them know you’re there to answer all questions.

5# Assign Them an Office Buddy

Too busy to spend your a.m. orienting new workers? You can do all of the above by assigning a less-busy employee to be the new person’s office buddy for his or her first week or two. Don’t assign at random, though.

Try to choose a buddy whom you think might be a natural, real friend and who wouldn’t mind taking the time to help people out. And make sure to run it past the buddy first.

6# Give Them the Complete Tour

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Make sure your new hire knows where everything is throughout the office and the property, from parking lot to break room.

In order for your employees to feel like they belong, they’ll need to know how to make a pot of coffee, how to use the printer and where they can take calls in silence.

7# Have a First-Day Lunch

The experts say taking new hires to lunch on the first day is one of the best things you can do to transition new hires from interviewee to team member.

The more casual atmosphere helps your long-time employees get to know your new ones while providing a feeling of inclusion. The last thing you’d want would be for your newbies to have to eat alone.

8# Schedule a New Hire Happy Hour

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Image Credit – Pixabay

Same idea, only with beer! If you have a more laid-back work culture and find that informal gatherings at happy hour help your workers connect with one another, take the first-day bonding session to the pub after work. Of course, both lunch and drinks should be the company’s treat.

9# Host a Fun Game

Having your employees play a fun ice-breaker game is an excellent way to get them laughing and connecting in no time.

Games can also help demonstrate how certain team members work together, providing you with a zoomed-out view of your entire department’s collaborative style.

When you see how engaged, competitive or energetic your new hires get, you’ll learn more about their personality and where they thrive.

Games also provide the benefit of building natural friendships that translate into better working relationships.

10# Open Up the Dialogue

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Last but not least: Make sure you’re creating an employee-employer relationship that’s comfortable and open.

Today’s employees thrive in transparent, honest environments, and your workers are less likely to trust you or feel like they belong if you’re indicating that certain topics are off-limits.

Emphasize that you’re there to provide support and answer any questions, from their very first day to their last (which, hopefully, won’t be for a very long time)!

Getting Everyone on Board

We know that employees of small and medium-sized businesses rarely have the time or resources to spend helping new employees get acquainted.

Make sure your entire team knows that, at least for a brief period of time, their work can wait in order to make the newest hire feel welcome.

Getting everyone on board is vital to a successful on boarding! With these great tips, you’ll undoubtedly turn your latest worker into a lifelong employee within their first few hours on the job.

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Author Bio: Josette Olivera