The World Beauty Industry: The 4 Most Highly Paid Jobs


The world has lots of jobs in the beauty industry, from the underpaid jobs to the highly paid ones. Today you learn about 4 highly paid jobs in the USA.

The 4 Most Highly Paid Jobs

No wonder, people want to get a high salary and be able to afford anything they want. Everybody has his own ways of getting money, right?

Somebody starts a business in the finance area, somebody creates an online writing service, which provides reliable essay writing help, somebody becomes a blogger and somebody wants to try making a statement in the beauty industry.

Who Can You Become In the Beauty Area?

Lucky you, the beauty industry has a wide range of jobs, so you will find yours. Let’s review the 4 most highly paid jobs in the USA and other countries.

The World Beauty Industry_ The 4 Most Highly Paid Jobs

1. Permanent Make-up Artist

Salary: about $55,000,000 per year

The research results of the permanent makeup artists community show that masters in this area get about $55,000,000 per year or even more. This kind of procedure costs from $300 to $800 per one visit.

How much an artist can get depends only on how she works. She may take only one client per day and get $300-500 for that and she also may take five people and get $1500 of daily income. Everyone brings himself to where he stands.

By the way, TIAN Permanent Makeup Studio is the first New York’s that provides teaching microblasting and permanent make-up.

2. Director of a Beauty salon (Hair and Beauty Salon Owner)

Salary: from $75,000 per year

Own beauty salon is the dream of many girls from the childhood. In the US, this kind of business can bring much money if you are really ready for this job to work. After all, almost every girl from 9 to 99 years beautifies herself at least a couple of times a month.

There are 3 options for starting this business:to open a salon from scratch, inventing a unique concept

  • to buy a business by a franchise, receiving complete permission for action from its owners
  • to buy an existing salon

Of course, the first option is the most difficult, but it is also the most interesting one.

3. Personal Fashion Stylist

Salary: $20,418 – $177,986 per year

Many people do not understand the combination of colors, garments, and accessories, but they want to dress well. There are real and future artists, famous athletes and politicians and representatives of other professions among them. In this case, personal stylists come to their aid, who go shopping with them, pick up clothes, create looks for every day and for special events, give advice about suitable hairstyles and make-ups.

To get a job of a stylist you need an exceptional taste, need to understand the types of figures and people, be aware of the latest fashion trends, be able to look at things and combine them.

4. Beauty Copywriter / Beauty Editor

Salary: $30,265 – $72,536 per year

If you belong to those who buy cosmetics and always admire the name of a color or product, you clearly understand what beauty copywriters do. They create names, come up with slogans, descriptions on the package and annotations to the product. Copywriters get about $30-70 thousand per year, according to PayScale.

Beauty-editors write articles about beauty and fashion. Salaries start from $50 thousand per year. In order to become a copywriter, you must know English perfectly, be creative, “be your own” in the world of fashion and cosmetics. Special education is not required, but many colleges and private schools offer various training programs. A clear advantage of the profession is a free schedule.

Fashion As a Job

Do not be afraid to try yourself in this or that direction. Nobody says that everything is always easy and simple, but at least you can try for your future, can’t you?
