Moving Towards Paperlite and Environmental Sustainability


Technological advances in recent years have made it more and more possible for companies to transition to the concept of a “paperless office” – essentially reducing or even eliminating the need for paper usage in a company. This lets the company improve is efficiency and lessen its efforts in terms of storing and filing paper files and other paper-related materials. Companies, through this, become more environmentally conscious and transform them into a “greener” company.

Aside from the environmental benefits that paperless offices carry, they also cut down on costs that are associated with paper usage. When there is less paper used, the lesser the need for other paraphernalia that makes paper useful for the company. This includes printers and inks, steel filing cabinets, folders, pens, paperclips, highlighters, and the like. There is also less need for maintenance of paperless files – digital files are not prone to be eroded over time by mold, chemicals, and parasites.

A paper-based approach also boosts productivity significantly. While paper documents and forms needs to be physically organized, filed according to the company’s specific system in the specific space that the storage is located, and be manually searched for when they are needed again after some time from their last usage, paperless offices benefit from doing all these without needing to step away from an employee’s desk. They can organize and store files on computer or cloud system folders, and search for them instantly by using the Search bar instead of manually referring to the storage system.

However, there still are some companies and industries that rely on paper-based approach for their operations. This may be the result of lack of budget and funds that can cover the purchase of necessary programs for a company’s specific processes, a complex filing system that isn’t easily translatable to a digital format, or even lack of information on what programs and systems they can utilize.

These obstacles do make it seem like the transition to a paperless office is a complicated method and it may lose its appeal because of this, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s impossible for any company to still make the transition no matter how difficult it seems. Here’s an infographic by Law in Order on successfully implementing a paperless system:

Paperlite and Environmental Sustainability

Moving Towards Paperlite and Environmental Sustainability

Author: Peter Hartley