15 Essential Must-Have Workplace Policies


A statement underpinning the human resource issues in their way of dealing with an organization is known as a policy.

It stays in touch with the values of the organization and expectations of employees regarding their performance and behavior.

What is the purpose of policies and procedures in the workplace?

Must-Have Workplace Policies

Workplace policies often clarify and reinforce the procedure of standard operating in the workplace.

However, well-written organization policies help employers manage their staff more proficiently and clearly explain the acceptable and unacceptable attitude in the workplace. Besides, it sets out the implications of not complying with those policies.

Why are policies and procedures important in the workplace?

A workplace policy has some set statements of purpose and some of the broad guidelines related to the action to be taken to achieve the set goal.

The report holding the target must be written in simple terms meaning that it must be free of jargon. The length of the Office policies might vary according to the issue it shows up.

However, employers need to have formal written policies for demonstration compliance under specific laws along with communicating rules, guidelines, and procedures.

Here are some essential workplace policies that should be followed and fulfilled at any cost:

1# Non-discrimination and sexual harassment

A policy against some unlawful and sexual harassment is critical to help to prevent such an attitude in the workplace. If you’ve experienced sexual harassment and need legal help, consult the best sexual harassment lawyer NYC offers. These experienced attorneys can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and help you seek justice. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support during this challenging time.

The best practice policy explains sexual harassment by providing specific examples related to unacceptable conduct that states that harassment cannot be tolerated. Besides, it offers several avenues for workers to report such acts.

2# Code of conduct

A code of conduct is essential for setting the kind of behavior you expect from your employees.

That can be done by outlining unacceptable behavior and educating employees on business policies. Common issues include dress code, punctuality, and the use of a mobile phone.

3# At-will employment

It is one of the best practices to include at-will employment within the employee’s handbook.

Such statements are included in the initials of the directory generally and are typed in a more prominent boldface type. It means that one of you (you or the employee) can terminate the contract.

4# Immigration law compliance

Employers are prohibited from employing workers under the immigration and control act (IRCA), who are not authorized to work in the US.

It requires employers to take specific steps like completing form 1-9 to ensure the eligibility of the newly hired employees.

5# Employment classifications

To define the employment classification, it is a best practice within the written policy because the status of an employee as part-time, full-time, exempt, or non-exempt shows eligibility for overtime pay and benefits.

6# Rest and meal breaks

Refers to the lactation breaks provided by the company by the rules enforced by Fair Labor Standard Acts (FLSA) or local laws.

Under these laws, any break within 20 minutes shall be paid. The law can be amended if the employer is discovered relieved of his duties.

7# Safety and health

Safety policies require employees to inform the company about the rising alarming situation.

Besides, the Occupational safety and health Act has some set of regulations that require employers to be informed about anything hazardous.

8# Use of company equipment

There must be a policy on the use of email, laptops, phones, and other stuff. This policy will clarify the employees that all those instruments are for business use, and there shall be no privacy while using them.

9# Leave of absence and time-off benefits

To take leave for sickness, vacations, and similar types, the company must explain policies.

If your company is covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you must add eligibility for taking the leave that includes requesting leave or medical certificate in case of an emergency.

10# Timekeeping

The purpose of this policy is to make the employees know that you are keeping a check on them.

Their responsibility should have outlined, including signing on time card/sheet to ensure their work time is adequately reckoned. The best practice is to have bio-metric confirmation so the employees know that it would not work forging the signature.

11# Attendance and punctuality

This policy informs the employees that they must be present at the scheduled time. In the case of late arrival, the employee must talk to the supervisor of his emergency.

It would be best if you considered actions that need to be taken for habitual latecomers.

12# Pay Days

This policy needs to inform the employees of the frequency of paydays, whether weekly, monthly, or semi-monthly.

It includes the procedure of payment, e.g., cash, deposit, or payroll debit card. Check your state law for requirements on final pay.

13# Drug and alcohol policies

Drugs and alcohol use during or after office time can cause loss of productivity and absenteeism. A drug and alcohol policy can maintain a productive and risk-free yet friendly environment.

14# Grievance Policy

Businesses have to deal with disputes some times. Having this policy will educate your employees to follow the steps while dealing with a complaint.

15# Company-specific policies

Your company may have specific rules of its own. Be sure to include all the additional workplace rules and procedures that are important.

The primary goal of policies are to accomplish what the company expects from their client in terms of behavior, actions, and legal liabilities.

Policies play an essential role in the business as they address the apposite issues as what advocates the acceptable behavior by employees.

The procedure defines the steps that one has to follow and to know how the company will react if the policies are violated.

For every new law or regulations, some updated policies must be created. HR policies are a simple way to ensure that your business is well equipped to handle issues by competent staff and their rights are protected.

Consider your business practices, state, and local laws. Established policies help you ensure the rules and stand you out as an employer.

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Author: Bakhtawar