How to Rank Your Site Effectively With Long-Tail Keywords


So you want to rank high on popular search engine sites such as Google or Yahoo, right? Well the answer to your problem is using a term called long-tail keywords.

If you’re not familiar with the term, “long-tail keyword” – it means it uses a very specific search phrase of 4 or more keywords. It typically contains a head term, which is a more generic search term 1 or 2 words in length.

A general keyword would be “dental office,” but a long tail keyword will look more like “top dental offices in Los Angeles” or “top dental offices for root canals”. To sum it up, long tail keywords are more descriptive and targeted, which make them much more likely to convert and be very effective as well.

So now you get the list of what long-tail keywords are, now we will get to understanding why it’s important to be using it on our site. Well for starters, long tail keywords are how you generate organic search traffic to your website in the first place. If that doesn’t explain enough, here are 7 more great reasons why you should really be using it:

7 Ways to Rank your Site Using Long-Tail Keywords

How to Rank Your Site Effectively With Long-Tail Keywords

1. Best Targeted Traffic

The more specific you make a phrase, the more relevant the results will be. Over time this simple step can go a long way toward increasing customer loyalty, producing quality word-of-mouth advertising, and helping a brand gain dominance and build authority in a niche.

2. Less Competition

When you use a long tail keyword, the fewer people you’re going to compete with. Let’s take a look at some keywords below:

  • shopping mall
  • shopping mall in Indiana
  • shopping mall in Indianapolis
  • shopping mall in Indianapolis Gap store

Which do you think will be searched more? Yep, you guessed right. Fewer people are going to be targeting “shopping mall in Indianapolis Gap store” than will be targeting “shopping mall.” And because of this, it’s much, much easier to rank for long-tail keywords than it is general search terms.

Using long-tail keywords are much more efficient for the consumer who knows exactly what they want when searching on the web. Think of it as a speedway toward ranking success.

3. Higher Conversion Rates

Since long tail keywords are super specific, the people that search for them are highly likely to purchase your products. So you better believe it, long tail keywords often generate ROI (return on investment). Don’t be afraid to use very specific long tail keywords – you are more likely to see great results.

4. Beat Personalization

With search results getting more personalized, such as to a particular user’s geographical location, age, gender, and interests, etc. People can search for one and the same keyword but may be seeing different search results.

On the other hand, with the help of creating specific long tail keywords, you can simply optimize your website for different categories for users. So for instance, on one page of your site you can have a separate landing page for designer women’s watches, and on another page for designer men’s watches. Use more long tail search terms for your next SEO campaign in order to minimize the negative effect personalization may have on your SEO.

5. Different Ways to Search on Internet

Nowadays there is more ways to search the Internet than to use a browser on your desktop. People can now talk into their phones with the help of voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa or iPhone Siri. With that being said, people are more specific when searching the Internet – you need the right answer the first time.

With the help of long tail keywords, you can train these voice assistants to provide your information to mobile voice users.

At the end of the day, people know what they want, and if you can fulfill that need then you will find yourself with a very high rate of conversion.

6. Adds More Value to the Reader

By building a list of long-tail keywords that are highly relevant to your products or services, you are also building a list of pages that can be created for your website.

Long tail keywords are not just only great for your SEO and CRO efforts; but they also ensure that your pages are providing real value to your readers. Not to mention, this is exactly what top search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing are ultimately looking for.

7. Long Tail Keywords Gives You Organic Traffic

Using helpful tools such as Google Analytics, can show you specific details on how you are receiving traffic; and if you look close enough, you will see that long tail keywords are what is bringing you that traffic. Just remember, the more specific you get using long tail keywords, will get you the results you have been longing.

If you are having a hard time choosing long tail keywords for your webpage, using tools such as SEMrush or Wordtracker are great ways to get more detailed information on long tail keywords related to your niche. These apps can help to provide thousands of long tail keyword suggestions. It’s also very useful when researching your competition and get in-depth analysis on how you can rank for each keyword.

Long tail keywords are an important aspect to ranking your site on search engines. It would be an absolute mistake to make to not use long tail keywords – you would really just miss out on some great SEO opportunities. While these long tail keywords are important to use, it’s quite necessary to know how to use them correctly. Make sure you use the following steps to get you started:

a). Figure out what your content is trying to do.

Do you know the overall goal of your content (information sales, conversions, etc.)? If so, great. If not, do this first. It is very imperative to understand the overall purpose of your content before you start searching for long tail keywords.

b). Decide your niche.

It’s important to know who you are writing to or who you want to provide this valuable information for. Because long tail keywords are so very specific, it’s really necessary to have a solid idea of who your target audience is before you begin writing. Think about it.

When you have a better idea of who your readers are, you will be better equipped to provide valuable content specifically for them.

c). Use essential SEO keyword research tools.

Trying to guess long tail keywords could be a possible option; but in order to really succeed, using SEO keyword research tools such as SEMrush, FWFinder, or Word tracker are all great tools in being successful. This will definitely save you a lot of time at the end of the day.

Author Bio:

Usman Raza is a freelance writer, marketing specialist at Christian Marketing Experts and co-founder of Usman Digital Media. When not working, he’s probably spending time with his family. Follow him on Facebook @usmanraza40 and Twitter @usmanintrotech.