10 Small Business Ideas in Chennai With Low Investment


Need small business ideas in Chennai with low investment? Here are ten best small business opportunities in Chennai in Tamil Nadu you can pursue with little to medium investment.

Chennai is a capital city of Tamil Nadu and also an important city of India. It comes on number three in the list of the cities of India that the foreigners visit the most often. It also plays a great role in the IT industry and the outsourcing of business processes in India.

In south India, its importance is also because of being the educational center. Around 40% of the automobiles of India and their parts are also made in Chennai. All these things make Chennai a great place for starting a business. Some of the best small business ideas in Chennai that would prove to be so lucrative are as follows:

10 Profitable Business Ideas in Chennai

Small Business Ideas in Chennai

1. Car Pooling Business

Chennai is an eventful urban city. There are lots of people in the city who try using public transport system on daily basis. It results in making all the places full of crowd.

If you are a savvy person and you have some sound knowledge about the by-streets, the back roads, etc., then it is a great idea for you to start the business of carpooling for the people who are the residents of a particular area. The pickup and drop off timings must be planned wisely.

2. Business of Charm Jewelry

Opening up a charm jewelry shop or a stall can prove to be a profitable business in Chennai. You can sell different types of traditional jewelry to the tourists.

You can also let your customers order personalized charms according to their choice. This would surely increase the profit percentage of your business.

Along with the jewelry, you can also keep souvenirs of India in your shop and can also sell them to the visitors coming from different parts of the world. It is an antiquated business idea but it still appeals the wise businessmen.

3. Becoming a Real Estate Consultant

The demands of real estate are continuously growing in Chennai and other cities of India. As a result of that, starting the business of real estate and/or becoming its consultant, is a great option if you have some knowledge and experience in this field. You don’t need a lot of investment for starting this kind of business in Chennai.

4. Starting Cooking Classes’ Business

If you can make a variety of food items and you are quite good at it, you can always start your business by giving cooking classes in your locality.

It is one of the service oriented business ideas in Chennai. After starting this kind of business, your skills also keep on getting improved and your experience eventually make you an expert in the field.

5. Making a Kids’ Playschool

The parents living in Chennai and other parts of India always remain concerned about providing quality education to their children.

They believe that the starting classes of the kids also play a great role in their overall personality. So, they prefer to admit their kids in some reputed kids’ playschools.

Plus they do not get reluctant in paying even large amounts of money for that. So it is a business idea to make a kids’ playschool in Chennai. It can be a huge project, but initially you can stake a start on a small scale.

6. Starting a Fashion Boutique

You can always sell the fashion. If you offer your customers the ethnic designs and then mix them with a new and modern look, your business can be expanded on a fast pace, since you’d be able to sell more dresses in a short time.

Opening up a fashion boutique is one of the top class small business ideas in Chennai that you can pursue for earning handsome profits each month.

Along with the dresses, you can also sell jewelry, bags and other accessories as well. Not only would the locals, the tourists also be attracted to your boutique.

7. Business related to Organic Gardening

It is a considerable and suitable business idea for the people who have big lawns or any other place for growing the plants.

All the grocery shops and cash and carry centers demand the organic items. You can make contracts with some of the grocer shops for supplying them the organic items that you can easily grow at your place.

8. E-Rickshaw Services

You can get an e-rickshaw and then rent it out. Later on, you can increase the number of rickshaws, if you start earning a good profit. It can be one of the smart small scale business ideas in Chennai in Tamil Nadu.

9. Starting a Research Business

People do not always find it easy to access the information that they require on daily business. Especially the business owners and other tycoons, who do not have much time to spend hours and hours for making reports and all, prefer to hire a good research maker who can help them in their work.

In return they can pay you handsome money for giving your services. So if you are good at making research then you must consider starting such a type of small business in Chennai.

10. Car Rental Business

It is also one of the lucrative small business ideas in Chennai. The tourists coming to India from different parts of the world never miss to pay a visit to Chennai. So you can start a car rental business over there and can expect reasonable profit especially during the months when a great number of tourists visit Chennai and other surrounding areas.
