Investing in Yourself Always Pays Off: If You Aren’t Doing These 5 Things to Advance Your Career, You’re Lagging Behind!


If you feel that your career has become stagnant, then you can either be content with where you are, or you can take proactive measures to get yourself out of your rut.

Many people aren’t satisfied with where they’ve landed, and if that’s the case, they’re ready to pursue the second option.

You can try this advice for jump-starting your career, and if IT is your field, you can always expand your IT career with ITProTV.

5 Ways to Advance Your Career

How to Advance your Career


1. Dress For The Job of Your Dreams

You might not have the job of your dreams yet, but you can dress for it today. When you dress less formally you might feel more comfortable, but it will send the message that you are complacent and you have no aspirations to ascend to a higher rung on the ladder.

Dressing your best will make you feel more confident, and your bosses are likely to notice.

Related: 50+ Highest Paying Jobs in the World

2. Work Harder In The Mornings

You might feel like you’re useless after lunch, as the afternoon drags on and you can feel your blood sugar plummeting. If your mornings are more productive, like a lot of people, embrace that.

Try to set your meetings for earlier in the day, and get the most critical work out of the way first thing. Save the afternoon for catching up on the more mundane aspects of your job. Try to make hay during your best hours.

3. Join Professional Organizations

Whatever your profession, it is likely that there are clubs and organizations directly related to it. They’re an excellent place for networking, so if you feel like you’ve gone as far as you’re likely to with your current company, look into what it takes to become a member.

It might eat up some of your free time attending the events in the evenings or on the weekends, but if you are serious about giving a boost to your stalled career, you should be willing to make those sacrifices.

4. Find Yourself A Mentor

A mentor at your company or within your profession can give you the insight that you might have been lacking about how to advance to higher positions and greater salaries.

If there is someone you admire within your company, that would be ideal, but you can also try one of your old professors, assuming you went into the industry for which you studied in college.

You might also find a suitable mentor through a professional networking site like LinkedIn.

5. Grow Your Skill Set

The other thing that you can do to get yourself noticed is to expand your resume with night courses or online classes related to your field.

The more certifications you can add to your skill section, the better. It will make you a more attractive candidate if something opens up within your company or elsewhere.

The most significant thing that you can do to get your career moving again is to start taking action without any further delays. Apathy is what causes most careers to stagnate. By exploring some new avenues and making some new connections, you’ll be most likely to attain a different position that is more to your liking.

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Author: Rebecca Fernandez