Overshadowing the Competition: 8 Things Your Potential Employers Are Looking For


We all know that job ads, and job descriptions, could be so much better than they currently are. After you’ve been searching for a long time, it’s so hard to distinguish between them all, especially when they’re all asking for your experience, qualifications, and a standard resume.

However, if you know and understand what employers are really looking for in their new employees, you’ll have everything you need in order to move through the hiring process and secure the next job of your dreams.

Today, we’re looking at eight considerations you need to know.

8 Things Potential Employers Are Looking For

8 Things Potential Employers Are Looking For

#1 – Understanding What You Want

If you hand in a resume made using a resume builder or go to a job interview, and you’re unsure on your career path, this is a liability trait to any potential employer, and you’re not going to get the job.

Companies want people who know what they’re doing and can share their vision with, so you need to make sure you’re clear on what yours is.

#2 – Learning New Things

You don’t know everything in the world, and you’re not going to, whether that’s knowledge of something or a skill.

Display your enthusiasm to learn and your willingness to take on new information in order to enhance your chances of moving up the recruitment process.

#3 – Goal-Setting Ability

Employers like it if you’re able to set goals for yourself to help motivate you and to drive success; both individually and as part of a team.

The vast majority of businesses are goal-oriented and showing an ability to work with this productivity technique will only increase your chances of getting hired.

#4 – Share Success Stories

It’s all well and good putting down what you’re good at and what you can achieve, but if you have no proof to back it up, nobody’s going to want to hire you.

Think about times in the past career or student life where you can highlight what you’ve achieved through a success story.

#5 – A Team Player

There’s no business out there that works with just one person, at least not one you’re applying for. Even if the role you’re working in is a solo role, you still need to interact with other employees, managers, and other departments, which is why teamwork is such an important skill.

#6 – Be Responsible

No company is going to want to employ someone who’s immature and won’t take responsibility for their own actions. If you do something right, you’ll deserve the credit for it. If you do something wrong, you need to be able to own up to it. Otherwise, a business won’t take you seriously.

#7 – Know Your Strengths

Not everybody can be good at everything or needs to be, and a recruiter knows this more than anybody. Whenever you’re handing in a resume or attending an interview, understand what you excel in and use this to your advantage.

#8 – Know Your Weaknesses

Hand in hand with the consideration above, this is a common question that will more than likely come up in your interview.

Your weaknesses are nothing to be ashamed of, especially when you highlight them confidently in your interview and portray them as areas that you’re willing to work on and improve.

Related: 16 Deadly Job Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


As you can see, these are not things you’d typically see in your standard job description, but there are all essential things you’ll need to prove to your future employer during the recruitment process. Don’t be afraid to give examples of these areas to help improve your hiring chances dramatically.

Author: Rebecca Fernandez