Top 10 IT or Tech Skills In Demand For 2023


IT skills are valued in every company but there are a few which are very important and necessary. Some companies cannot hire people unless they check every skill box.

If you want to land a job in your dream company you need to learn different types of skills.

So, take a look at the 10 skills listed below and see if you have got them all.

Table Of Contents:

  • Top 10 Most Demanded IT Skills
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Conclusion

Top 10 Most Demanded IT Skills In 2023

IT or Tech Skills In Demand

1. Programming Language Skills

A programming language is a set of commands and instructions used by technicians to create a software program that is directly recognized by the computer hardware.

Some of the common languages are Python, JavaScript, C++ and so on. This skill is in high demand and so institutions are teaching it at lower levels of education.

The programming language allows you to develop games, applications, web programs etc. It is one of the top IT skills companies look for while hiring employees. If you have this skill make sure you put it down on your resume without fail.

2. Cybersecurity Skills

With the technology we have today, 90% of the world cannot live without their phones and computers. Yes, technology has come far but along with it, the risks increase.

There are many cases where people’s bank’s accounts or work computers are getting hacked. Companies cannot afford to take this risk. They have to hire people who know how to save their work from people trying to steal it.

When you go for an interview, cybersecurity skills are something you need to have. If you do, there is a sure shot you will be selected.

3. Soft Skills

An IT person not only needs to have technical skills but soft skills as well. They too are very important.

Just because you are good with computers doesn’t mean you don’t need to develop your soft skills. You need to be able to work in a team and help other people as well. You need to be able to communicate effectively and work efficiently.

While hiring employees, employers look for soft skills too. When you work in a company, you are part of a team. You need to develop skills like empathy and availability. Maybe it doesn’t sound important but it sure is.

4. Automation Skills

Automation is the process of creating software to eliminate manual labor. With the help of automation skills, a company can run smoothly and more efficiently. Which company wouldn’t want to hire someone with this skill? That’s right. None of them.

Automation skills help free up time to do something of more importance instead of wasting precious time every day on one thing.

Automation skills are in demand these days and if you have them, make sure you use them well when you apply for a job.

5. Data Analytics Skills

Just like you want to grow your career…every company wants their business and company to grow. Data analytics can help a company achieve that goal.

Data analytics is the process of looking through data and turning it into something useful a company can use. Important decisions to grow the business depends on data analytics skills.

Every company needs a data analyst. It is crucial to the decision-making process of a company.

Data analytics produce fruitful information for various purposes and every information produced is useful in some way or the other. That is why it is one of the top skills in demand this year.

6. Mobile Application Skills

There are some websites and some software that cannot be opened on the mobile phone. At present, almost everyone in the world has a mobile phone and can do anything with just a touch of a button.

Companies use this to their advantage but they cannot do this by themselves. This is why they need someone who has this skill.

They need people to develop websites and applications that can be used on a mobile phone so that it’s easier for people to access it and in turn to let their business grow.

This is one of the fastest ways to make a business grow and that is what employers are looking for in an employee.

7. Software Development

Software development is the process of creating, programming, designing, testing, and bug fixing. As you probably already know, it is not an easy task. It takes time and effort and that is why it is valued.

A company benefits in many ways from it. Since not many people can do this, it is rare and in high demand today.

Software developments help to gain more clients, check out the competitors, and so on. As you can see the advantages are never-ending. Companies need people with this skill on their resume.

8. Virtual Reality Skills

Virtual reality is the future of televisions. It is a digital simulation in which you can interact with a 3D surrounding with the help of goggles and gloves.

Virtual reality can be used to watch movies, series, play games and so on.

It is predicted to grow by 100% by 2023. Many companies are looking forward to this to grow their businesses. But to do so, they need people with this skill set.

9. Project Management Skill

A project management job requires an employee to complete a project within a specified number of days and with a fixed budget.

The employee would need to create, design, test it out, fix the problems that arise and so on. They need to manage the project and maintain it until the time comes to hand the project over to the employer.

Project management jobs are said to have gone up drastically in the past few years and it is said that there would be a million job vacancies in the years to come. If I were you, I’d brush up on this skill and use it to my advantage.

10. Cloud Computing Skills

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services like databases, servers, storage, etc. This is so that all the information and data present on a computer can get backed up so even if the computer fails to work there is a copy of the data.

Every business and company has a fear of losing all their data, that’s why they have come to this solution. In the coming years, cloud computing specialists will be needed in every company.

This year itself the demand is very high. You could only imagine what it would be like in the years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What types of IT jobs are in demand?

IT jobs like data scientist, big data engineer, cloud architect, software architect and so on are in demand today. Furthermore, Dallas tech jobs will be open not only for experts but also to newly graduates and tech enthusiasts.

2. How hard is it to get an IT job?

It is not very difficult to get IT jobs if you have the right skill set. You should be hardworking and want to excel in your career. With the right mindset, you will be able to get any job you want.

3. How can I improve my technology skills?

If you want to improve your technology skills then you should read technical books, learn new tools, look through online tutorials etc. It’s never too late to learn something new.

4. Do IT jobs pay well?

Yes, IT jobs pay well but that’s not the reason you should be doing it. You should do it only if you have a passion for it.

5. Which IT field is best for the future?

Many IT fields will rise in the future. It depends on you and what you like. You need to choose your career path wisely based on your interests.


So, there you have it. The top 10 skills in demand in the year 2023. If you don’t possess all 10 skills don’t worry. It’s never too late to learn something new.

Some companies would hire employees even if they have a few of those skills. Practice with what you have already got and give time to learn new ones. I’m sure you will have all 10 before you even know it.

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Author Bio: Viraj Waim works for Letstute (Universal Learning Aid), an E-learning company based in Mumbai, India. Our goal is to make some meaningful positive impact in the education segment by providing quality education content to all students who want to explore, visualize and apply their learning to real life.