6 Top Tips To Stay Happy At Work


Whether you work in a busy office or a fast-paced restaurant, you naturally want to be happy when you’re there. Otherwise, you’re not going to have a good time, are you?

Sure, your primary purpose at work is to get the job done. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun at the same time!

Now, being happy at work doesn’t mean singing on the tables and hugging your co-workers every time you see them, as that would be over-the-top (and a little bit creepy!). Instead, being happy at work means you create an environment and mental space for yourself that means you can truly look forward to going to work every day.

To achieve this, make sure to follow these top tips.

6 Top Tips to Stay Happy at Work

Top Tips To Stay Happy At Work

1. Make Your Breaks Fun

Breaks. Breaks. Breaks.

Without them, work would be extremely tough. Thankfully, though, most companies allow their staff plenty of break time throughout the day. So, rather than staring at the wall during your breaks, you need to make them fun, instead.

Here are some ideas:

  • Get in the mood for the NFL: For any football fan, finding and doing activities that are related to the NFL is a great way to spend your breaks. For example, if there’s a live game on while you’re at work, use your break time as an opportunity to tune in. You can also bet on games to make them more entertaining. Want more activities that you can do? Read this post.
  • Play light-hearted office games. For example, who doesn’t love a classic game of “Would you rather?”
  • Another option is to play different kinds of table games such as table tennis, foosball, etc.

When you make your breaks fun, it gives you something to look forward to throughout the day – which is an extra motivational factor.

2. Set Monthly Goals & Targets (With Rewards For Completing Them)

Work is boring and tiresome if you have no clear direction. That’s why you should set monthly goals and targets for you to try and achieve. Upon achieving them, you can give yourself little rewards, such as buying yourself that new iPhone you’ve been looking at or booking a weekend-long staycation.

Your goals and targets don’t need to be insanely difficult – but they shouldn’t be too easy, either.

3. Customize Playlists

Does your company allow you to use earbuds whilst you work? If so, high five!

You might be thinking, “What’s so great about earbuds?”.

Well, the answer is everything.

Earbuds allow you to listen to music whilst you’re working (such as typing on a computer).

Music is an excellent way to relax and concentrate, especially when you’re listening to your own customized playlist. These days, millions of people have customized their own playlists on Spotify and Apple Music specifically for work. Cool, isn’t it?

Think about the type of music that will help you to work to your best standard. Maybe it’s relaxing, atmospheric instrumentals? Or is it something as simple as the current pop chart hits?

When you have the answer, compile these songs into a work playlist. It will change your life!

4. Take Your Favorite Foods & Drinks – But Don’t Be Overly Reliant on Coffee & Energy Drinks

Throughout the day, having your favorite foods and drinks with you will make you a lot happier. So, prior to arriving at work in the morning, make sure to stock up and bring them with you in a bag, whether it’s orange juice or chocolate bars.

If possible, though, try and avoid being overly reliant on coffee and energy drinks. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with infrequent coffees and energy drinks, but don’t overindulge them! Many people can’t function at work without them due to their addictive natures, so it’s best to drink healthier alternatives.

5. Reduce Your Commute Times

You might have your dream job, but it will quickly lose its magic if your commutes are overly long and tiring.

For example, if you have to travel 2 hours to work every single day, that will start to take its toll on you. Therefore, the best solution is to try and reduce your commute times or at least try to make your commutes more entertaining.

If you dislike driving long hours to work, you could switch to the train instead and potentially save time and effort in the process. Consider your different commute options and figure out which will make your life the easiest.

6. Speak To Your Boss About Working Remotely

A lot of people have reported that working remotely (from home) makes them happier, so if this is a plausible option for you, maybe consider giving it a try?

Providing your employer is flexible, you’ll be able to decide which days you work remotely and which days you go into your office or other premises.

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Author: Abdul Mateen