Travelling Southeast Asia While Working Online: How To Do it


With many Gen z employees yearning to quit their day jobs and pursue a career in a hot, sunny climate, many hopefuls are travelling to Southeast Asia to work and travel at the same time. With 11 million visitors to Thailand alone each year, it’s clearly the place to be!

If you want to join the hordes of people relocating to Southeast Asia, you’ll need to do some strategic planning. Before you head off, you’ll need to think about connectivity, local cultures and work-life balance. Here’s everything you need to consider before you pack your bags and head off on your merry way.

5 Ways To Work Online While Travelling Southeast Asia

Travelling Southeast Asia While Working Online

1. Selecting digital nomad-friendly destinations

While it might sound idyllic to head to the most remote, undiscovered spots of Southeast Asia, it’s not always practical if you’re planning to relax and work. When choosing your next destination, it’s important to prioritise locations that have robust Wi-Fi connections and co-working spaces.

Larger cities will have faster Wi-Fi connections and more opportunities to network with other working expats.

2. Find accommodation that supports productivity

Luckily for you, there are plenty of luxurious yet affordable rooms to rent in South East Asia. Once you’ve narrowed down your location, you’ll need to choose accommodation that helps you become productive. While living underneath a lively bar or club might seem convenient at the weekends, it’s not the best during the working week if you can’t get a decent night’s sleep.

Try to find accommodation with a working area – or a desk, at least – that’s a little off the beaten track.

3. Explore e-commerce ventures

If you’re looking for a new way to make some money, you might want to look into e-commerce ventures. Southeast Asia is a great place to go if you’re looking to dip your toes into the world of e-commerce as there are plenty of opportunities for things like drop-shipping.

4. Invest in forex trading

Southeast Asia is a cheap place to travel, but if you’re not careful you can soon run out of funds which can cut your trip short. To supplement your income, you might want to investigate forex trading. As it’s a completely flexible way to make money, it can be a great way to make some money on the side by trading different currencies.

To do this, you’ll need to find an online forex trading platform like the one offered by Tradu.

5. Network with local and international remote workers

If you’re travelling by yourself, it can get lonely sometimes. Whether you want to build some business connections or just fancy some social interaction, it’s a good idea to network with local and international remote workers during your stint abroad.

Now all that’s left to do is pack your bags and head off on the adventure of a lifetime.

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Author: Suhail