10 Vital Safety Tips To Remember When Operating in the Workplace


It’s the New Year, and your business may have some new employees, or at the very least, some new resolve to make everything function better and easier in the workplace.

Safety is key when operating at work, no matter what industry you’re in. Not only for the safety of you and your employees but for the business itself.

We’ve outlined 10 vital safety tips to remember when operating in the workplace below:

10 Vital Safety Tips To Remember

Vital Safety Tips at Workplace

1) Have a Plan

The first thing to remember when planning for safety is to understand that accidents CAN and WILL happen sometimes. So in the event that your planning fails, it’s a good idea to have a safety protocol established for you and your employees to follow in the event of an accident or problem.

This safety plan should be written up in clear language, provided to all employees, and be available to find easily – either tacked on a wall in the breakroom, on the company website, in the employee handbook, or ideally, all of the above.

In this plan, you’ll break down things like how to safely operate dangerous equipment, how to perform CPR, emergency numbers to call, employees’ various allergies and health issues, numbers for workers comp and more.

Keep this easily accessible at all times. If you work in an especially dangerous industry, you may even want to do drills or run-throughs with your employees.

2) Safety Gear

You should always provide your employees with heavy-duty, well-made safety gear. Whether it’s goggles, steel-toed boots, gloves, or face masks, your employees, regardless of industry, deserve that extra layer of protection.

Companies like The Workers Shop can provide you with a wide variety of safety gear and safety wear, for whatever your company’s specific needs are. Ensure that your employees know how to properly wear/apply these items, and make sure they do so at all times.

3) Provide Training

In addition to the safety plan outlined above, it’s also a good idea to provide your employees with additional training for on-the-job emergencies.

Things like self-defense classes, emergency preparedness, and other seminars can really equip your employees with the confidence and skills to take care of themselves and others when necessary. And you may even be able to write it off on your taxes!

For some businesses, you may even be required to provide adequate training. For example, licenses for food handling are not optional for kitchen workers or food servers.

4) Clean Sweep

One really easy way to keep safe in the workplace is to stay on top of cleaning duties. Nobody wants to work in a dirty, messy, non-functional warehouse or office, but it’s more than just a personal preference.

Keeping a clean, tidy workplace can really ensure the safety of your employees. A workplace with open boxes lying around, messy equipment or trash in the floors, can cause an accident.

Whether you delegate duties, hire additional staff or have a cleaning service, staying on top of things like sweeping and mopping spills, emptying trash, filing away papers, and having a spotless restroom will put you on the right foot to a safe, happy work environment.

Encourage employees to help with these tasks, keeping break areas tidy, recycling, picking up their own messes, etc. With everyone on board, it’ll be an easy task.

5) Inspire Open-ness 

You want your employees to feel they can trust you. When there’s a safety or health issue, you don’t want them keeping mum for fear of losing their job.

Inspire a safe, trusting workplace by letting your employees know they can talk to you, that you understand their concerns, and by addressing any complaints or grievances that come up in the appropriate manner, as quickly as possible.

6) Testing

It’s an awkward subject, but one of the main ways to stay safe in the workplace is to do drug-testing. Some companies conduct these themselves, some outsource, and others require the prospective employee to do so.

However, you choose, making sure the employees you hire are healthy and unimpaired, is extremely important.

7) Benefits

If you’re able to provide your employee with health benefits such as health insurance, that’s great. A healthy workplace starts with a healthy employee, and how better to manage and maintain your health than with a good health insurance plan?

There are many health plans available for working people, and you’ll find that there is a plenty of group plans that offer different discounts and benefits for workplaces, depending on how many people opt-in.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that plans can sometimes be extremely affordable, offering great coverage for your valued team.

Other benefits, like paid vacation, parental leave, sick leave or bereavement leave, are also a good idea.

8) Security

If you work in an industry with a high theft rate, or in an area where there’s dodgy activity, you may be worried about things like break-ins and burglary.

Why not hire a security team? Having a security guard posted at your workplace can make everyone feel safer, protecting your business against theft, vandalism and more.

Security guards can have surprisingly affordable rates, and they’re worth the peace of mind you’ll have when one is posted just outside the door.

9) Check-In

Many companies have monthly or even weekly meetings with their employees to discuss safety and other issues and complaints.

A quick company lunch or regular meeting to discuss these thoughts and implement new plans is a great idea to stay on top of any safety issues.

Keeping a finger on the pulse of what your employees are thinking and feeling, and staying up to date on how the company is running day to day can stave off any major accidents or complaints.

10) Be Aware

It sounds simplistic, but just being aware of the atmosphere around you is the main thing in keeping a safe workplace.

This ranges from visibly checking out your facility, looking for any health hazards or dangerous items, and doing what you can to remove them, to hiring regular maintenance for things like pest control, cleaning services, and repairs, to providing your employees with “perks” that help their well-being, like lunches or better health insurance plans.

It’s all part of being aware of your workplace and its needs. Being a thorough, considerate employer will make all the difference in the overall health of your business.

Safe Practice

There you have it. These 10 easy, simple steps will ensure that you have a healthier, happier, and most importantly, safer business in 2021.

Just being aware, looking out, talking to your employees and making simple, easy changes can make things 100% safer for you and your employees.

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Author: Sophia Williams