6 Ways to Protect Your Business’ Network


Whether you run a small business or a large organization, you should be aware of how important it is to secure your business network. As businesses grow and mature, they’re facing more threats than ever before.

Ransomware has been the biggest threat for the past 2-3 years and we can’t afford to take network security lightly. Your workplace is filled with increasing numbers of applications, devices, and platforms that are rife for potential security threats.

Of course, ransomware is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cyber threats, We all need to be on the alert for spear phishing, spam, data loss, whaling attacks, and many more types of threats. The vulnerability to a security breach has increased exponentially and a business’ viability depends on this issue being addressed.

This concise checklist of security measures will help keep your business network and your data intact and secure.

6 Ways To Protect Your Business Network

6 Ways to Protect Your Business Network

1# Implement Frontline Defense

The critical first step is to prevent threats from crawling in by making sure your firewall and anti-virus software are installed.

When it comes to the firewall, choosing the right size and scope that coordinates with your business goals is essential. Without a strong firewall, you’ll be a weak target who is handing out opportunities to hackers.

Install a firewall that will help to lock down the ports that hackers use to invade your business and exploit your data.

Make sure that you are running an antivirus software program on your server; essential in today’s environment. This software will help rid your system of adware, malware. Without it, you will run the risk of a virus spreading throughout the server. By investing in anti-virus software we can:

  • Preemptively notice malicious programs and prevent them from being installed
  • Deter hackers from breaching your network

Unfortunately, employees don’t always adhere to safe computing practices. This software on the server will help mitigate and limit the damage from any virus introduced from your side.

Get an extra layer of protection by using SEO proxies. They generally act as a middleman; a connection between the internet and your computer. Any kind of action taken on your data or information is not sent directly to the internet, but first sent to the proxy server which forwards the request to the web.

The proxy then serves as the middleman again, receiving the data before returning it to you. The proxy server hides your IP address; your company’s online activity is anonymous and more secure.

2#  Invest in a VPN

Once a firewall and antivirus software program are in place, the crucial second step is setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

A VPN encrypts your network and accesses the internet through a tunnel that hides your activity and data from anyone. This will ensure online privacy for all your users by blocking your activities, data, browsing history, and much more from hackers.

The VPN setup comes in handy when your employees frequently travel or work remotely. As there are many remote access risks that a VPN helps to diminish, it’s a good investment.

Read: Privacy Matters: The Best VPN Service

3#  Training Your Employees

  • The prevalent security issue is that 43% of businesses’ data is lost due to a cybersecurity incident.
  • Altogether, 37% of businesses have experienced one phishing attack and out of that number, 17% have suffered from a DDoS attack with 20% reporting  ransomware worldwide.
  • Data breaches were reported by 59% of businesses due to untrained and uninformed employees.

The above data was provided by a study conducted by Kaspersky on more than 4,000 businesses from 25 countries. These issues occurred through the end-user being uninformed or careless.

Businesses’ should regulate training sessions to review IT best security practices. Cultivate a culture of cybersecurity awareness among your employees. The more your employees are informed and educated on network security, the safer your organization.

4# Plan To Backup Your Data

Businesses can be under attack at any given moment and your data stolen. The best possible way to manage this risk is to install a data protection solution.

With the help of data protection, if your network security is breached, you’ll be able to avoid data loss. Of all businesses struck by ransomware, 49% were not able to recover their lost data.

If you were in such a situation, there would be only one thing that could protect you. Constantly back up your data. For optimal protection, we advise you to back up your data every single day or at least every week. It is preferable to store the data offsite at a fireproof, flood proof, locked facility.

5# A Data Recovery Plan

A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is built to safeguard or prevent damages and network breaches of your data. Backing up data is just one part of a larger DRP.

A DRP should be created for different kinds of attacks and disasters. A mid-level manager or IT manager should take on the responsibility to create, store, and retrieve data during emergencies. Test run your plan on a regular basis to ensure it’s sound and effective.

6# A Secure Router

A secure router is an essential tool. A security breach or any other security problems can arise by simply hitting the restart button on your network router.

It is best to relocate your router to a more secure location if it is in an open or common location in your office. Move it to a locked room or closet.

To be more careful, we can go a step further by investing in video surveillance equipment and installing it in your server or network router room.

It is equally important to set a complex password combination that contains at least 15 characters and update them regularly.

Safe Network, Safe Business

These security breaches in your network occur when a business doesn’t even cover the fundamental security protocols. Try to invest in proper network security practices for your business.

Keep your business, your clients, and your team members safe on the internet. Cut the cybersecurity risks ahead of time.

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Dan Martin has hands-on experience in digital marketing since 2007. He has been building teams and coaching others to foster innovation and solve real-time problems. Dan also enjoys photography and traveling.