8 WordPress Security Tips To Safeguard Your Site From Cyber Threats


Why the topic of WordPress security tips?

Because of the fact that all sites are vulnerable. No matter how much effort you put into launching your site, it will always find itself if you have done any harm. This is how the internet works and a few random attacks are carried away.

WordPress is the most recommended Content Management System (CMS) for its clean code and user-friendly interface support for interchangeable plugins.

You can quickly build a fully functional website without messing with complicated HTML and CSS code by using this platform.

WordPress is not immune to cyber attacks as compared to other CMS platforms. To this, if a hacker gains admin access to your website then they might steal your information and redirect it to other users from another site or serve it as malware to visitors.

Here are few tips and tricks you should follow to prevent your WordPress site from getting trapped.

8 WordPress Security Tips You Need to Know

WordPress Security Tips

1# Backup Your Site

It is referred to as creating a copy of all your website’s data and storing it somewhere safe. It is considered as the safe option as if someday your website stops working or gets crashed then you can easily recover all your lost data from the backup copy.

There are multiple backup plugins available in the market which also has extra features like one-click restores and spam filtering along with 30-day backup archive.

2# Regular Updates

WordPress seems to improve its security with every new release by fixing all the bugs and vulnerabilities. If any particular malicious bug is discovered then the core WordPress developers try to take care of it by forcing a new safe version.

You will be at risk if you don’t update it on a regular basis. For new updates, you need to visit your dashboard and click on the update button to complete the procedure in just a few seconds.

3# Make Sure Your Themes & Plugins Are Updated

It is advisable to regularly update your themes and plugin which you have installed on your site to avoid vulnerabilities, bugs, and potential security breaches.

As it is with the software products, it happens that certain plugins might get breaches or security holes may be seen in them.

Apart from keeping them up to date make sure to remove the plugins and themes when not in use as they are just the unneeded weight.

4# Often Change Your Passcodes & Limit Login Attempts

With the unlimited username and password attempts, it becomes very easy for hackers to succeed as an infinite number of logins will eventually get then discover your login data. Hence, limiting the available attempts is the vital thing you can do to prevent breaches.

For this, there are a few available plugins in the market namely Login LockDown and WP Limit Login Attempts. Also, by changing your passcodes regularly, you can further decrease the chances of a hacker to break into your site.

5# Get a Firewall

Firewalls are meant to protect your computer from various online threats that try to connect you with and keeps away any suspicious activity. This really has nothing to do with your WordPress site as it has no direct connection to it.

You can use your computer to connect with your admin’s area of the website to see whether your website is actively working or has been put to risk.

6# Limit User Access

You should always be careful when giving access to your website, especially when setting up new accounts.

It is advisable to keep everything under control and try to limit access for any type of users. The thing is if you have way too many users then try to limit your functions and permissions so that they can only access the functionalities which are essential for them to do their work.

7# Rename Login URL & Use SSL

You can see that your default URL is either wp-login.php or wp-admin which is added after your website’s main URL.

These two are the most accessed URLs by the hackers who can further break into your database. By changing that URL, you are reducing the chances of finding yourself in trouble as guessing a custom login UEL can be a bit harder for hackers.

A secure socket layer (SSL) is a good way through which you can encrypt your admin data as it allows to transfer the data between the user browser and the secured server. There are only two ways to achieve an SSL certificate:

  • Purchase it from a third-party company like RapidSSL.
  • Tell your hosting provider for the same. Generally, it is included in some hosting plans but sometimes you may have to get it for some extra penny.

By using SSL encryption, you don’t only secure your website but it will also help you to improve your rank in Google rankings.

8# Secure Your wp-config.php

It is most vital vulnerable files on your website as it hosts important information and data about your whole WordPress installation, It is technically the core of your WordPress site and it something bad happens to it then you will not be able to use your blog normally.

Simply you can take your wp-config.php file and move it to your WordPress root directory which will not affect your site but also the hackers will not be able to find it anymore.

We have seen some of the important tips and tricks to secure your WordPress website from vulnerable attacks and malicious activities. Keep Learning!

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Author Bio: Rooney Reeves is a WordPress Developer Currently Working with a Web, e-commerce development company etatvasoft.com. She is a Nature freak and she loves to travel.